Check Point by Xela
Chapter: Part V

02/03/2007 07:13 pm
No! Joyce is pregnant? Didn't expect that development ... curious to see what happens next. Loved the half-William/half-Spike idea.
Yeppers. Fertility spells are powerful things ;) And I'm glad you liked that; I always thought there was some William lurking under Spike and Spike under William. They're not as far removed as people think!

02/01/2007 09:40 pm
Damn, That's one potent spell, don't tell me that Buffy will eventually have that little malady.
Good story, very funny. Can't wait to see what else will happen.
We shall see, won't we? :D

02/01/2007 01:35 pm
Nice one:)Now I hope that Giles can get the stake out of his ass,and be the kind of man Joyce deserves. I wonder if there are other "complication" concerning Spike and Buffy`s encounter during the spell...

I have to say that the Anya lines during the spell got me laughing:) It was so typicaclly her,so to speak:)
Yeah, well, it is Giles. He needs some working on. And Anya is Always fun to write, she's fantastically blunt and funny.

01/31/2007 11:24 pm
well that's a lot of pregnancies! Good thing Giles came around so Joyce didn't hurt him with her death glares. Glad Buffy went to search out Spike and they let each other know how much they cared. You have to appreciate Dawn and her teasing once she saw her sister and brother in law
ha, yeppers. And never underestimate the power of a death glare. And I only wanted a splash of angst, not much. And Dawn...she was *completely* underdeveloped in the series.

01/31/2007 10:41 pm
oh *was* supposed to make them more fertile, wasn't it? what about buffy and spike? :) great chapter, by the way...looking forward to more :)
Yeppers. And you'll have to read and see. (Though I'll admit to be a bit leary of making Spuffy baby fics; they tend to get a little stereotypical, you know?) Thanks for reading and reviewing!

01/31/2007 07:14 pm
Ha ha! I loved this chapter! Everyone is spouting out babies! What about our favorite mates? Are they going to have a little bundle of joy? :) Continue soon!
You'll have to read and see ;)

01/31/2007 03:28 pm
This is a really funny story. I especially liked your descriptions of the glaring.
Good! I needed something fun and upbeat, and that was my intention here.

01/31/2007 12:31 pm

Great chapter.......

01/31/2007 07:10 am
What about Buffy? Is she pregnant too? So glad that she went looking for him and he opened up the claim to her and she did the same thing to him. Neither one is very good in verbal skills. The claim is so much easier for them. Wondering if Joyce is thinking about Buffy also being pregnant since they both are. Love this fic Xela. Looking forward to more!
You'll have to see! And I always thought if they could just get linked in some way, so many problems would be solved. Thanks for reading and reviewing!

01/31/2007 04:59 am
that's two, so far. thanks for the hilarious read.
ha, I'm glad you enjoyed it. It's been a great story to write!

01/31/2007 03:45 am
Loved the Spuffy scene - it's so romantic.
Yeah, they're just made for each other, aren't they?

01/31/2007 02:13 am
Yep, fertility is the end game it seems. So glad you kept Dawn out of range of the spell!
Yeah, Dawn being pregnant at that age? Ick. :) I'm really glad it was one of the challenge requirements!

01/31/2007 02:08 am
argghhhh!! no way!?!?!?

01/31/2007 02:06 am
OMG I love this story!!!! It is hilarious!!
Thanks! That was totally my intention, and it was such fun to write.