Instant Sun by Verity Watson
Chapter: Ch. 2: Potion Commotion

02/14/2007 06:29 am
I'm really feeling this story so far. However, I think it's a bit OOC for Tara to stutter that much. Season four, maybe even five. But she kind of got over it (mostly) in season six. Keep up the good work.
Thanks, Scarlet. Huh. I didn't even realize how much I was using Tara stuttering as a crutch - but you're right, her character does change by S6 and I'm not doing her justice.

02/04/2007 04:03 am
anya telling the "brilliant" scoobies what is going on in their world. love it. fun read, thank you.
Thanks - I love reading & writing smart Anya. Glad you're enjoying!

02/02/2007 04:07 pm
Good to see the Scoobies doing their job! Nitpick.don't Willow and Tara have a place for beauty accessories..or are they kept in the bedroom? One bathroom, right?
Huh. That's a really good question. I've assumed that the master bedroom had its own attached bath. I can't find anything that clarifies the house's layout online, and I remember contradictory things from the show. Then again, since Willow & Tara are fresh off dorm living, maybe they are still toting their stuff around in plastic bins ...

02/01/2007 12:33 pm
They could all have a vacation on the house. So happy when ever they listen to Anya. She's got as much information about things as the Council does and she lived it. Really like this, thanks.
Thanks for reviewing. It is always a relief to know that I'm not insane - or at least not alone - when I find myself thinking a trip to a tropical island would be good and that turns into how can I send Buffy and Spike to an island in the sun ...

02/01/2007 03:42 am
Gee, can I be stranded on an island with all my favorite foods, movies and a really hot guy? Esp if it is Spike.
I know, really! This island has its limitations, though ... more to follow.

02/01/2007 03:22 am
Much better. Buffy needed company, but please oh please do not let the rest of them go on vacation.
No way! It's paradise, and the rest of the gang has done NOTHING in S6 to merit a trip to paradise. And even if they did, they'd to have to find their own. This is most definitely an island built for 2. ~VW

01/31/2007 11:45 pm
fun story beginning. looking forward to more!
Thanks. It is actually finished - I'm just cleaning it up and working on an idea for a sequel - so I hope to post the rest pretty quickly! ~VW

01/31/2007 07:21 pm
Can't wait to see Buffy's face when she sees Spike. Great chapter!
Yeah, she's gonna be kinda shocked. But can you think of anything better than finding yourself on a beach with Spike? How upset can she possibly be? ~ VW

01/31/2007 02:26 pm
Like this a lot so far. I can definitely see, with the amount of stress she's been under, Buffy being like "I'll just sit in the sun for fifteen minutes, and then I'll start trying to figure out a way to get home...."
Thanks. I've written some S6 Buffy where she's truly miserable, and I wanted to come up with something where she was confused and sad, but still open to the possibility that life would get better. ~ VW

01/31/2007 02:08 pm
lol go anya!

hope the scoobs dont burst in on spike and buffys retreat :P
Ah, but wondering if they will is half the fun ... you KNOW they'll try! ~ VW

01/31/2007 02:08 pm
lol go anya!

hope the scoobs dont burst in on spike and buffys retreat :P

01/31/2007 02:02 pm
Thank god for Anya -- the only one with a brain!
I know - I adore her, and I'm always sad that there's not more stuff out there where all her knowledge comes in handy. Thanks for reading! ~ VW