Out of the Frying Pan, Into the Fire by wolf116
Chapter: Anya

02/06/2007 04:37 am
anya has a two track mind. fun read, thank you.
Yes she does. Sex and Money. He He!
Thank you.

02/04/2007 07:16 am
oh i love anya....you write her so well...love buffy's line about "if she says anything about money"...lol...excellent chapter, looking forward to more :)
Thank You! I couldn't resist Buffy's line, it came to me way before I wrote the chapter.
Thank you.

02/03/2007 09:45 am
Yup, the same Anya. At least she had good taste when it came to Spike. Thanks for the update, fun chapter.
God she's so fun to write. Well if you had Spike standing in front of you wouldn't you be checking out the assets?

02/02/2007 08:49 pm
Yes!!! I love Anya, she's a hoot!!
Thank you! Anya is a total hoot.

02/02/2007 08:12 pm
Anya is definitely a fun character to have around... lol! Loved Buffy's remark about having to hug Anya. Wonderful chapter!
I love The character of Anya, Just the way she acts makes her a fun character to write. Buffy having to hug Anya, thought that would be a funny thing to happen.
Thank You!