Just Pretending... by BloodyTearsOfLife
Chapter: The Morning After

08/20/2011 12:00 am
silly bint.

08/15/2007 04:23 am
Oh man - Honeymoon interrupted.
LOL! Definitely.

08/13/2007 07:09 am
Tease. Poor Spike. But at least, she's being nice enough now. Guilt will do that to a girl.
That it will!

02/05/2007 11:46 pm
Phew -- pass the fan!
LOL! Glad to hear someone needs a fan. ;-)

02/05/2007 09:50 pm
Buffy really has got to stop playing hot and cold with him before she ruins what they could have. Spike is pretty understanding of her quirks but noone should have to put up with that treatment. Loved Dawn's jealousy about Buffy getting Spike and happiness that they she had caught them in bed together
Yeah, but unfortunately it's something she does do. Glad you enjoyed the chapter.

02/05/2007 10:32 am
Poor Dawn, here she thought they'd finally made it and where together. Wonder what she'll come home to this afternoon? Nice line Spike threw her way. She deserved it. Sorry RL is getting in the way, will keep an eye open for your next update, thanks.
Yeah, Dawn has high hopes. *g* I can't reveal any plans but I think you'll be interested. =)

02/04/2007 05:57 pm
Great chapter. Love how Dawn is the one who found them. She was just too funny about it. But as always with them it is 1 step forward and 2 steps back. They just can't seem to make it. But I am glad that Spike was able to at least make her move off of him. Maybe she will get it right at some point. Awesome story.
Just to make this piece a little lighter. And exactly, Spike and Buffy are always doing the back and forth thing. Buffy will try her best. You'll just have to see if she can get it right. ;-)

02/04/2007 12:20 pm
Gah...Dawn's timing wasn't the best, but then it was probably for the best. I'm glad Buffy decided to play nice at the end, it may not have been the best apology in the world but at least she is actually making an effort.
Yeah, Dawn has her moments. And Buffy's trying, just who knows for how long!

02/04/2007 12:11 pm
Great update. Thoroughly enjoyed. :)
Thanks, glad you enjoyed it. :-)

02/04/2007 07:32 am
oh so typical for them....lol...fighting like cats and dogs and then making up...do they realize how much like an actual married couple that sort of behavior is? :) great chapter, looking forward to more :)
I don't think they realize it. Probably would deny it if anyone pointed it out too.

02/04/2007 07:05 am
spike is going to need therapy after only a short time of being "married. wonderful read, thank you.
He just might! Glad you enjoyed it.

02/04/2007 06:01 am
Dammit Dawn....
Yeah, pretty much...

02/04/2007 05:12 am
That was wrong what Spike said, but then again isn't everything that comes out of Buffy's mouth directed towards Spike worng. I like her peace offering, he spend a centery with Dru and Spiek doesn't know how women are? lol, Poor man, he still has no clue. Can't wait for more.
Yeah, they hurt each other with their words. I know! Spike is still clueless. He'll figure it out soon though. Or at least I hope!

02/04/2007 04:47 am
Its a close call as to which of them is more pig-headed! Loving the tension-- thanks for the update!
Yeah, I think that's why they're so fun to write. Glad you enjoyed it.

02/04/2007 04:32 am
He is so love's bitch. What a crappy apology.
I know. Our poor Spike. :-(

02/04/2007 04:23 am
Sounds like Spike and Buffy, all right - two steps forward and one back. Just catching up on this one now - I had missed a couple of chapters somehow.
*blushes* Thank you. I've been working had to be my Spike and Buffy characters right and it's very nice to hear that the effort is showing.

02/04/2007 04:07 am
I rarely say this but "yay, Dawn!" No way will Buffy kick Spike out when her sister's safety depends on it ... curious to see what happens next.
I know! Dawn is a character that usually bugs me but I'm trying to make her likable in this fic.

02/04/2007 03:20 am
This was so romantic ...in the dysfunctional tight wound way that Buffy shows it.
LOL! Buffy certainly has her own way of doing things.

02/04/2007 03:05 am
Hey there, just wanted to let you know I'm really enjoying this fic. I'm loving how you've fused real emotion and human interaction into a what could have been a kinda one dimensional fluff piece... not that those aren't good also hehe. Looking forward to reading more. :-)
Aw, thank you. ^_^ It's always great to hear that I'm doing a good job telling a story. Trying to make it as dimensional as it can be!

02/04/2007 02:39 am
Yep, alienating him too much would seriously be of the bad. She really can't do all this on her own (well, she's capable of it, but as long as she thinks she isn't..).

At least the sight gave Dawn a bit of happiness.
LOL! I don't know if she could pretend to be married on her own. ;-) Thanks for reading and reviewing!