Out of the Frying Pan, Into the Fire by wolf116
Chapter: Fallen Warrior at the Crater

02/08/2007 03:23 pm
Interesting new developments. Can't wait to find out what happens next. Great chapter!
Thank you.

02/08/2007 07:03 am
I'm a little lost, but have faith that you'll enlighten me in the next chapter or two--so I'm not fussed about it. If you could kill off Kennedy, that would be great, too.
It may take a little more than a chapter or two, but the answers will come.

Sorry but the killing of Kennedy didn't come up in the writing, although I wish I'd have come up with a way to do it. I can't stand her.

02/08/2007 06:31 am
honestly, didn't expect this EXACTLY...but i did think of them going to angel's for help. simply because they have no where else to go. and it was well worth the 3 hours, wonderful job. can't wait to see angel's expression, loved xander and willow sharing their grief and the start of kennedy's smackdown (the verbal part anyway), still hoping she'll get physically beatdown. can't wait for whatever comes next.
Kennedy has it coming, not so much the physical smackdown, but you'll see. I can't stand the little so and so.

02/08/2007 01:14 am
Very well worth it. You needed at some point to start at the beginning. Great portrayal of Kennedy and Xander. He'd lost so much, he can't lose anyone else. Now Willow will understand her feelings foe Spike and when he pops out of the amulet they can be together like they're supposed to be, the poof be damned. Until then they have this alternate universe. Excellent work 116, thanks.
Yep, but there's a reason why I went back so soon.

Will's can be insightful sometimes.

Oh believe me the poof will be damned.


02/07/2007 11:45 pm
eventually, i figured this sort of thing would be goin on, from the beginning of the fic...but not so soon...loved it...looking forwad to more :)
There is a good reason as to why this part of the fic comes in now. But you'll just have to wait to see what it is.