Origins: Revelations by Niamh
Chapter: 72 No Oceans between us

06/13/2007 10:57 pm
Excellent update ... very riveting.

02/17/2007 06:04 am
excellent chapter, thank you. congratulations on the awards, well deserved, luv.

02/17/2007 02:52 am
so buffy's made her decision, and spike's okay for now...and poor faith...i thought it was sexy up until now, realizing how deeply it was affecting her...hope she's okay...excellent update ;)

02/16/2007 02:40 am
Oh I'm so happy to see that you updated. Of course, I'm behind the times. I've enjoyed the last two chapters - the references to Celtic lore, especially - and the Sam/Spike bonding.

02/15/2007 03:38 pm
Lovely chapter.

02/15/2007 01:49 pm
Yay! Go Buffy!

I recently sat down and re-read this work from the beginning of Origins. Goodness, I love this story. It just keeps getting better.

02/15/2007 08:58 am
Now I'm wondering if Jenner will pursue--and if Faith will let him. I hope the "not Slayer blood" doesn't count as food or drink--Spike stranded isn't a good thing. Thank you for the story fix--this junkie needed it.

02/15/2007 08:51 am
Congratulations, Niamh. This fic deserves it. So glad that both Spike and Buffy are getting help to keep their connection open, while they're apart. Very interested in her decision. Thanks for posting, wonderful chapter. Glad Faith didn't kill him, thought she might have. She's not full of self restraint as a rule.

02/15/2007 01:20 am
Thank you for the update. Once again I love the new characters and so appreciate the participation of Lawson in your story.

02/15/2007 12:54 am
Congratulations on the awards! If any story deserves them, it's this one. Thanks for the wonderful chapter and I'll be breathlessly waiting for the next one. :) Blessed be :)