Half and half by Eternal_red
Chapter: Chapter 2

01/14/2008 01:06 am
No!!! NO, no no! What are you doing to me???? ARGH!

Can you tell I'm captivated by your story?? Good guess! Can't wait to read the rest!
I just love your enthusiasm - thanks so much

03/02/2007 09:48 pm
Excellent chapter. I love the shcck ending.
Didn't set out to end on cliffhangers but they keep appearing anyway - thankyou for reviewing

03/01/2007 10:03 pm
and they danced. good update, evil cliffie, thanks for both.
thank you Vladt - nice name by the way

03/01/2007 04:23 am
Good fight. Spike needed to have his butt kicked.
Mmmm do I detect a pattern here - just a small thirst for vengeance?

03/01/2007 02:59 am
WHAT? Spike just cheated on Buffy, again! Where's all the groveling?! lol.
Thanks dicecanntcry. Think Buffy owes Spike one or two apologies too.

02/22/2007 12:01 am
Wonder what the heck just happened to them, and why it had to happen now when they were just getting to the good part of the reunion
because i'm eeevil!

02/21/2007 05:38 pm
Gaaahhhhhh What the F*** happened to them??!????!!! Got a feeling they just started one heck of an adventure. Good thing they connected (in their own Spuffy language of pop/whap) before they were sent elsewhere.

‘I’m a complete slut, crush me against your un-beating heart, you sexy bloodsucking beast you’ just BEGS to be made into a Tee-shirt...complete with Spike picture! LOL. I think it would be a sell out.

Lovely update. Intriguing story. Lots of plot hinted at in the lab even before the final paragraph. Clever!


Hmmm T-Shirt now that's a good idea. Already designed a 'Bite Me' one maybe I'll have a go before writerconuk.

Thanks for your lovely review

02/21/2007 02:36 pm
what???? oh my goodness!! what just happened there? that "too late" does *not* sound good!!! i want to see what's going to happen next!!!! come on, come on, more more more :)
Am writing as fast as my lovely beta will let me!

02/21/2007 01:10 pm
Hey, that mystical weird-thingy ruined the kiss!
Great chapter.
yes i seem to have developed a bad habit for sneaky cliffhangers. sorry can't help myself.

02/21/2007 09:29 am
Hoping that you mean that metaphorically and not literally because anything is possible in that place. Kinda surprised with all the seers and witches and warlocks working for them they haven't picked up on Dawns "keyness". Thanks for the quick update. Really enjoying this.
Glad you're enjoying this and as to Dawn... well...

02/21/2007 09:15 am
Okay, you've really got my attention now. Looking forward to more.
Hope I can keep your attention with the next chapter too. thank you

02/21/2007 08:43 am
“The ‘I’m a complete slut, crush me against your un-beating heart, you sexy bloodsucking beast you’ kind of statement?”

“See, now you’re getting it.”

LOL...loved this!

The Spuffy fight is so typical of them, why say with words what you can with your fists.

Nice update, thank you.
Am so enjoying doing this. I had no idea writing could be so much fun. thank you for your comments Always.

02/21/2007 08:32 am
**waves happily**Here I be, commenting like I meant to last chapter. Love the fighting-for-talking thing you had going on. It is so them. I can just see the grins on their eager faces.

Beautiful second chapter, pet. Looking forward to more.
Thank you Spikes_heart and it was a pleasure to 'meet' you the other day. Hope I can keep my characters believable for you