Out of the Frying Pan, Into the Fire by wolf116
Chapter: Xander Takes a Dump

02/23/2007 05:22 pm
angel's prank on xander, hehe...neither is one of my favorite characters, but at least angel could bring himself to show respect for what spike did..sort of...good chapter :)
Can't say that I like either of those characters either. But I couldn't pass up the whole Xander getting dumped off of the couch. I needed some laughter. Hell Angel better show some respect. He needed to do that in the freaking T.V. show, but of course they couldn't have the big hero giving props to the actual hero, now could they?

Thank You!

02/22/2007 02:02 pm
Loved the Angel/Xander interaction. Can't wait to find out how Willow's spell goes. Great chapter!
Those two never really did get along. It was a hate/hate relationship so there's alway that animosity there. Will's spell is on everyone's minds. You guys are just gonna have to wait and see what happens.

Thank You!

02/22/2007 12:11 pm
Loved it! Great line about Spike not being as moody as the poof. Loved that they all gave him their repect at his sacrifice. Waiting for Angel to learn of her love for Spike. Can't help it, just love knowing this is going to cause him more pain. Angel has to know somethings hinky, he didn't feel him dust. Fantastic chapter, thanks.
Couldn't pass that line up. Any way it's the truth. Even with a soul Spike isn't as moody. The guy gave his life for them, they need to show a little respect. Angel in pain, don't you just love it. The whole feeling him, not really going on the whole childe/sire bond with these two, cause in truth Angel wasn't his sire, and ugh! Just the thought wigs me to know end.

Thank you!

02/22/2007 09:54 am
If Willow shows up at the asylum, they are not going to believe her.
You'll just have to wait and see what happens. HE! HE!
Thank You!