Out of the Frying Pan, Into the Fire by wolf116
Chapter: It ain't Easy Being Green

03/03/2007 06:23 pm
*snerk* I can't wait to read more. Keep up the good work. I can't wait to get by to dilusion-land.

Back to delusion-land. I like that.

It won't be too long now that we're back into the land of confusion. Just a few more chapters, but that doesn't mean that we'll be staying there very long.

Thank You!

03/03/2007 05:15 pm
I have been waiting and waiting to read this story,, I was hoping to wait until it was finished so i could read it all at once and not have to wait for chapters LOL I know pretty selfish of me :( sorry... But I just couldn't wait any longer and then i got sucked in and didn't review like i should have. I LOVE this story, I am waiting on pins and needles to find out what will happen next! I can't tell if her and Spike are in a alternate dimension or just some kind of mind melt or if maybe its a spell or what but a big part of me hopes that whatever it is, they will beable to be together there and finally be happy. I know it sounds cold but if the "reality" is really the near miss end of the world and Spike dying maybe its for the better if they stay where they are together.
Not selfish, I do the same thing, then I can't stand it anymore and have to read it.

I'm happy to see that you decided to start reading, cause it'll be quite a few more chapters. There are over sixty in it, so you'd be waiting for awhile for me to finish it.

03/03/2007 05:58 am
OMG! LMAO! Never in a milloin years would of thought to have her sing that. Never! That was hilarious! Absolutely fabulous. Looking forward to the reading. Thanks for the laughs, I'm still giggling, that was great.
I had to do it. Seemed like something Willow would sing, it was between the Oscar Mayer song, and that one. It was kinda like a coin toss.

Thank You! Glad I made someone laugh.

03/03/2007 02:11 am
poor lorne. very good read, thank you. terrible place to stop.
I bet he wishes that he didn't have ears at the moment.

Thank You!

Sorry, the next chapter is pretty much what Lorne seen though.

03/03/2007 12:12 am
sneaky, very sneaky...letting us see willow sing but not the results of lorne's reading. hmm, and what's goin' on w/ buffy right now? will spike come back before they get buffy back? can't wait to read more!
Yep, I'm very sneaky. But Lorne's reading takes up a whole new chapter. We'll eventually get back to B/S.

I'm not gonna answer that question, for fear of ruining the rest of the story.

Thank You!

03/02/2007 11:11 pm
That was an interesting choice of a song. :lol: Can't wait to find out what Lorne learned. Great chapter!
Oh yes I had to use some silly song, cause you'd just think of Willow choosing something like that.

I hope that you'll be surprised at Lorne found out.

Thank You!

03/02/2007 08:25 pm
Happy memories of the opera performance!
Except it was screechy, and out of tune.

Thank You!

03/02/2007 08:20 pm
hmmm...interesting..can't wait to see what he found out :)
Oh you may be surprised.

Thank you, I'm still trying to get caught up witb your story.