Come with Me by Scarlet Ibis
Chapter: ...Lie in It

05/09/2015 03:05 am
Good Chapter like how you used Giles writing in his journal to move the story and time forward. 

Wow. Didn't see that coming! :-)
07/01/2010 03:09 pm

05/04/2009 08:16 pm
     Oh, goody! A baby! This just gets better & better.
Thanks :D

03/18/2007 10:27 pm
Not sure you should have switched to Giles diary instead of writing the scene out. That's a big scene that deserves lots of writing - also, since you didn't do it before it kind of bumps you out of the story flow. Good stuff though. I like to see the scene where Buffy figures out she's pregnant, then obsesses on that a while, then obsesses, could it be Parkers? then figures out that the baby is all demony - how does she know?
You are absolutely right- I should have shown Buffy initially finding out she was pregnant. I dunno, at the time, I've seen this scene done so many times, and I just wanted to keep the story moving. Also, I should warn you- I often switch POVs in my fics cause I can't help myself. One of my "quirks." I tell it as Muse sees it, and if I speak against her, she might bitch slap me, and that's never any fun ;)

Oh, and as for knowing that the baby's demony- she can feel its demon inside of her (cause of the Slayer senses and what not).

03/05/2007 06:41 am
excellent update, thank you.
Thank you for taking the time to review ;) Hope you like the rest.

03/04/2007 06:23 pm
Hello, denial girl. I wonder if Spike will know it's his? If nothing else, he's not going to be chipped...
Hmm... not telling. And will I be chipping Spike? Shucks, you gotta keep reading to find out ;)

03/04/2007 12:42 pm
Thank you so much. I love this, though he's gone. Will he sense the child once it's born? Wondering what will bring him back to SunnyD. Won't Harmony drive him nuts? She's blond but that's where the similarities end. Will Dru tell him of his child? Maybe she'll stake Harmony? Giles must be ready to pull his hair out. Buffy needs Joyce's support. Does Joyce know that Spike's a vamp, yet? Love this, great chapter.

Hmm... not telling :) Dru will make an appearance much later, giving a warning that won't make sense until it happens of course. And yes, Joyce knows about Spike being a vamp, and I just noticed that I may have Giles sounding like an alcoholic, but he's really not...

03/04/2007 11:56 am
Wow. A baby?
Great story. Can't wait for Spike to get back.
The wait's over...

03/04/2007 04:25 am
Whee, pregnant Buffy!
I couldn't help myself from knocking her up ;) Thanks for reviewing.