All the Way and Then Some by Scarlet Ibis
Chapter: Creep

05/04/2015 09:06 am
Great reading your story again -  Hope all is well with you.

02/25/2008 10:54 pm
Buffy really needs to be honest with herself and Spike.I liked the dirty little thoughts she has about Spike all the time.This is gonna end well,I guess:)

Of course this is going to end well, eventually.  Not to say that there aren't bumps in the road...But yeah, I'm totally not evil, and didn't end this in a "angsty, piss the readers off" kind of note, so no worries.

01/23/2008 06:36 am
I'm feeling hopeful about what's to come...
I'm glad I've given you a good reason. And I can't say you're wrong about that in the long run :D

03/08/2007 06:07 am
loved the update. hope buffy holds on to her thought near the end of the chapter. thank s for the fun read.
Mos def- this is an all new, well... altered Buffy.

03/05/2007 04:25 am
Finally! She's thinking of herself for a change. I know some people prefer more angst in their stories but this is one of those times that I'm enjoying less. Her friends will learn that a happy Buffy is better for them all! You did a great job on the rewrite. Thanks.
Oh, there will be angst, but I won't make you O.D. on it. But she will be happier, even if she will still make a few mistakes... Thanks for the awesome review ;)

03/04/2007 10:17 pm
oh good...maybe she's finally got a clue...glad she was the one to insist they talk on the way there...another wonderful chapter, love :)
She has a clue, but unfortunately, she still hasn't solved the case, unfortunately :( Thanks for the review :D

03/04/2007 09:00 pm
Just when they were about to have a good conversation, they were interupted. Typical!
It was great that she realized that people, and herself, could make mistakes, and that her friends should support her no matter what.
Yea, I don't know why she was so concerned what they thought... None of her friends were perfect and free from fault. Thanks for the review :D

03/04/2007 05:51 pm
Turned out better than it could've. Looking forward to what she has to say both to Willow and to Spike.
Oh, there's more to come involving Ms. Rosenberg... Of course, Buffy is still in denial about half the time.

03/04/2007 02:12 pm
I'm glad that they were able to honestly begin to talk to each other, even if they had a lot of false starts and accusations beforehand. I really liked that Buffy could admit that she liked talking to him and wanted to find a way to keep doing it. Alot of their problems would disappear if they said what they meant instead of lashing out at each other to cover their feelings and insecurities.
Buffy will be a lot more honest, but she will still be... rash in her decision making, and afraid. Thanks for the review, and hope to see you next chapter.