Who Am I? by SciFi_GK
Chapter: Chapter 17 - Unchain me

07/04/2010 02:47 am

03/09/2007 11:56 am
why'd she shoot him for??

Well, brand spanking new super hearing can be painful. She IS in a darkened room trying to cope. He's being...Spike. LOL

'nough said.

thanks for reviewing.
hugs, sfg

03/07/2007 01:52 pm
They're all being so unfair to him. I hope she forgets about the sun and walks right into a sunbeam and burn the piss out of herself. god, I hope you'll be able to update again on a regular basis. Really excited to see what happens to them. Thanks, looking forward to more.
LOL, wow. What a response! I keep having to remind people that Spike is EVIL. LOL. He might get into trouble in her bod. In fact, expect it. LOL. Just remember, no matter how much you're angry at Spike, he's earned the lack of trust.

On the other hand, a mild sun burn might help Buffy grow up a bit. **eg**

hugs, sfg

03/07/2007 02:58 am
either the tales over or she used a tranquilizer. compassion was a word buffy never did understand. very good read, thank you.
Yeah, we're gonna try and introduce her to the concept of compassion. LOL.

Thanks for reading.
hugs, sfg

03/06/2007 07:36 pm
oh i hope it was with a tranquilizer dart... :P poor buffy, dealing with all those new and scary senses, and poor spike, seems they're both facing old demons, eh? excellent chapter, love :)
:-D I LOVE that this chapter has gotten you all thinking! It's very rewarding to hear. And I think this is the first review I've gotten that had a touch of "Poor Buffy" in it. LOL. Mostly, everyone is all "Poor Spike". And yeah. They both get to face the inner turmoil. I'm having such FUN! LOL.

Thanks for taking the time to review. More to come.

hugs, sfg

03/06/2007 06:52 pm
Yay! An update so soon! I was just checking here out of habit, I check every day and .... Yay! That was soooo good. Poor Spike. Can't say as I blame him for pitching a fit. All he got for helping was ripped apart, zapped and chained. Would make anyone mad. Your description of his awakening and ensuing confusion was excellent. Can't wait to see what's next!
I KNOW! Can you believe it? Another update! He he he. Well, Muse is content to see to this story for a little while so I'm going to ride the wave as long as I can. *g*

Thank you so much. The awakening, I felt, was so necessarry. Remember, it wasn't so long ago that he woke up in the Initiative after not remembering what happened. Plus, he does mention, later in the series, the understanding of having woken up in his own coffin. I think, retrained as he was, with his mind all fuzzy, he'd automatically go to what he's known. Anyway, that was my thinking.

Thanks for sticking with it, Squirl. I might be posting some more pretty soon, so don't be a stranger, k?

hugs, sfg

03/06/2007 05:58 pm


I wasn't expecting that.

Now she's got blood and a mess to deal with. And what will the Watcher say? Buffy, you're nothing if not... um... impulsive and gonna regret that? LOL

Loving this.
I LOVE it! You are so kind. I can't tell you how tickled I am that this chapter got everyone thinking outside the box. **BIG GOOFY GRIN**

Thanks for takin' the time to review. Muse and I LOVE reviews.

hugs, sfg

03/06/2007 08:20 am
I'm going to go out on a limb and say tranquilizer gun like they had for Oz. I don't think even Buffy would be stupid or petty enough to permanently injure her own body.
Um, you DO know that Buffy is the rash-type, don't you? LOL. Not that I'm going to agree or disagree with your guess. **eg** You'll just have to read on to find out if you're right.

Thanks for takin' the time to review. It really feeds the Muse. And feeding the Muse keeps the flighty **cough**biotch**cough** from taking off to parts unknown. LOL.

Glad you're enjoying it so far.
hugs, sfg

03/06/2007 04:20 am
Woot! Another update! You must love us.
Well...yeah! LOL. Of course I do!

03/06/2007 04:15 am
Shot him with the taser again??

Chaining him's not even necessary if they'd just talk to him reasonably!!

Hmmm. Tell me how you REALLY feel. LOL. **BgoofyG** I love this review. It lets me know that you care about the characters.

Thanks for taking the time to review - it really feeds the Muse.

hugs, sfg