All the Way and Then Some by Scarlet Ibis
Chapter: The God Awful Truth

02/25/2008 11:41 pm
“Please. Let’s let the past stay in the past. As a matter of fact, I don’t want you to compare this… tentative, albeit sexual relationship I have with Spike to the one with Angel cause it’s totally not the same.”

WTF! I mean,I know it's not the same,but..."tentative, albeit sexual relationship"? Really?
It's a tentative relationship cause they aren't official, and it's mos def sexual, so yeah.  To her, anyway.  Now Spike on the other hand...well, I'm sure you're aware of his thoughts.  Besides, if this was canon Buffy, it would have totally been written off as "just sex--sex that I want to make me feel degraded, but I'm really just mind f-ing myself on that account," so improvement, right?

01/24/2008 12:01 am
“And Spike doesn’t need one.”--Mental cheer :) I'm glad Buffy is sticking up for him and doesn't think she's wrong or horrible for having feelings for him.
Hooray! Glad you didn't think it was weird for her to not go all mental and freak out over his lack of soul.

03/09/2007 09:29 am
Well that just shot the after glow all to hell! Poor Spike, but she was honest with Willow and she will be with the others too. She does need a little more time. She's seeing Spike for who he is not what. Maybe if Willow lets Spike know that she's OK with their relationship, he'll go easier on Buffy. Enjoying this fic alot, thanks for all the updates.
Oh, there will be a semi Willow and Spike moment/conversation... Spike going easier on Buffy? Hmm... thanks for the review ;)

03/09/2007 02:28 am
probably a very good thing willow was tired and drained, spike could have been in serious trouble. very good read, thanks.

03/09/2007 02:28 am
probably a very good thing willow was tired and drained, spike could have been in serious trouble. very good read, thanks.
You know, I never even took that into consideration- but yea, *way* good she was semi magicked out.

03/08/2007 06:49 pm
well that went considerably better than i would have thought, except for the "magically induced pain" .. :P poor spikey...but willow *did* think she was defending buffy from being raped, so i'll let that one chapter, love, very much looking forward to more :)
Oh, gets better ;) And that may be the worst physical pain that Spike has in my fic.

03/08/2007 08:39 am
Great chapter. Poor Spike getting magicked. The talk between Buffy and Willow went very well.
Yea, I wanted Buffy to be able to talk to her best friend. Thanks for reviewing :D