All the Way and Then Some by Scarlet Ibis
Chapter: The Date

02/26/2008 05:12 pm
"It was the third time ever she had received flowers from a man, and receiving those from Spike, meant so much to her. He brought them in semblance of their special occasion, not because he was canceling and not because he wanted to send her some sort of perverse message of wanting to torture her."

Who canceled date with Buffy? I'm sorry,but I have a huge lack about Buffy's dates,partly including Angel.So...who?

“William. Jameson. Pratt. You laugh, and suffer the bloody consequences.”

What does "Pratt" mean? Why'd she be laughing?Please enlighten me here.

I loved the whole chapter and I especially loved the confessions of Buffy among all of it.Thanks:)
Her father--he sent flowers and ice skating tickets in s3.

And...that's just Spike's insecurity talking.  He thought the name sounded kind of lame.  I mean, his last name is Pratt (as in prat), which is kind of uncool, but no one really minds but him.

Thanks for reviewing :D

03/14/2007 07:46 pm
actual communication. very good read,thank you.
Thank you :D It occured to me when they were underneath the carpet in "Dead Things," and Spike makes the comment about them actually talking. It was kinda lacking....

03/14/2007 11:20 am
It's going well and she's finding out so many new things about him, just what she needs to get past the wall around her heart. Thanks, wonderful date.
Thank you for reviewing. I wanted them to really get to know each other, and not just be about sex and sarcasm ;)

03/14/2007 07:13 am
oh this date is going wonderfully!!! i'm so happy that they're communicating so well adn getting to know each other bettter...looking forward to more, love :)
Yay! Yea, there weren't many moments of them talking sans snark, and I wanted to show that.

03/14/2007 06:19 am
A great date, nice that Buffy wanted to learn things about Spike. Great chapter.
I didn't feel as if their relationship would be really whole until I wrote this. I'm glad you liked it :D