Drenched by Verity Watson
Chapter: Ch. 8: The Precipice of Too Late

03/18/2007 12:17 am
They really need to learn how to talk to each other without using the sex as a weapon because they are facing difficulties from a number of places, and right now they aren't going to be prepared to deal with any of it.
Exactly right, Deb! (As usual.) Trying to get them there ... but they're stubborn. And surprisingly slow learners in this arena ... Thanks for the review!

03/17/2007 03:18 pm
i´m speachless
Thanks, MOa. Hope that's a "wow, what a strong end" speechless and not a "oh, you heartless and cruel person, you, how could you do that to our favorite couple" speechless! ;)

03/16/2007 03:52 am
Just wanted you to know that i'm glad this as developed some plot and am enjoying reading it.
Thanks, JO. 'Preciate it - and glad you're liking the plot, too.

03/15/2007 08:57 am
No one's watching Willow and that's a bad thing. Glad Spike fought back but hate that what Buffy deserved, hurt him as well. How did Britta find out about the three Bozo's? Like they're a real threat! Don't like it that she's teaming up with them though. Great chapter, glad that this is longer too! thanks.
Yeah, the boys aren't exactly a threat, but anyone that power-mad can be manipulated. I haven't got a clue how she found out about them ... LOL, funny what you don't know about your own fic!

03/15/2007 02:24 am
strong chapter, thank you. like to blame the end of the chapter on something red did. but it is more likely it's just what buffy did.
Glad you liked it, and yeah, unfortunately that's just pure Buffy at the end there ...

03/14/2007 10:21 pm
Bravo! More please! :)
Thanks, Dice! *Takes bow and blushes*

03/14/2007 06:02 pm
*shakes head sadly* Here's the Season Six we all know and love/hate. Much as I'd love to see the direct aftermath of this scene, I'm guessing we'll be jumping ahead to Buffy doing her feeling guilty avoidy routine. Or, much as a lot of this fic has done, I might be pleasantly surprised. Riveting chapter, either way. I'm definitely hooked on this story, plot and all. Can't wait for more!
It is S6 as usual, but I can't help but think that a ticked off Spike *could* lead to a Buffy so miserable that she's contrite. At least a tinsy bitsy bit. And that would spell hope ... or at least less badness. Glad you're enjoying!

03/14/2007 05:32 pm
Been enjoying this story. Congrats on your nomination. This last chapter was great. The plot is really building and things look to be falling apart good and proper. So, slayer vamp. Can't wait to see what that is all about.
Dee, thanks so much! Glad you're enjoying.

03/14/2007 05:29 pm
and so was i...
love, that was simply heartbreaking...as mean as spike was to her, i couldn't blame him, not after the way she treated him...i can't wait to see what the fallout is from this event.. :(
Thanks, DoS ... and I'm hoping that making Spike *mean* instead of a punching bag might force Buffy to wise up ... 'cause really, she deserved to hear it, right?

03/14/2007 04:21 pm
OH that is so sad! I have a feeling there was some interference that caused it to all go so off track there. Buffy hasn't really been bitca girl thus far (except the secrecy part). Must be Britta with the Trio...my guess there and the teacher????? The Watcher??????? The tweed screems council indoctronation.


Thanks so much Kathleen ... hoping it will all make sense and make those ?????s turn to !!!!s in the next few chapters! ;)

03/14/2007 02:50 pm
Well that was upsetting ... still, preferable to Spike taking all her shit without saying anything.
I agree! He's chipped, not defanged, right?

03/14/2007 02:14 pm
wow, this keeps getting darker a more interesting. love it
Thanks - it's also getting harder to write as the plot requires, well, um ... thought!