All the Way and Then Some by Scarlet Ibis
Chapter: Time to Say 'Goodnight'

02/26/2008 06:47 pm
Yeah,acceptance can cause the result in the end of the chapter;)Loved it
Acceptance is key (well apart of it) in any healthy relationship.  Thanks for reviewing :)

03/16/2007 10:22 am
So much for taking it slow. Not that I thought Ms. and Mr. Patience would be able to wait.
Of course not. But you gotta give them credit for waiting until the end of the date, instead of before, or during... right?

03/15/2007 07:52 pm
excellent finish to a wonderful evening. thanks for the fun read.
Thank you- there shall be more. Buffy's b day is coming up after all.

03/15/2007 01:45 pm
What an wonderful and unexpected way to end the date. Really happy for him that it did though. Wondering if Willow heard anything? Thanks for the beautiful evening. Great job.
Unexpected? Really? Cool beans.

Willow? Hear anything? Nah... Or-

Thanks for reviewing :D

03/15/2007 07:02 am
Very nice chapter. Very hot after date loving.
Thanks- was there really other way to end it?


03/15/2007 06:20 am
wow that was glad they're finally working things out without fighting...great chapter :)
It won't be easy breezy in chapters to come, but yeah, now they're all with the "love," kinda ;)