Out of the Frying Pan, Into the Fire by wolf116
Chapter: Everything We've Tried

03/20/2007 08:31 pm
I enjoyed learning about what the Scoobies have been up to. And the meeting was interesting, somehow it kinda figures Xander would eat during a tense time like that. I know the adults are probably thinking they're protecting Dawn, but not inviting her to the meeting is really gonna tick her off. Good update!
Happy you enjoyed. The meeting was long over due, but had to come at the right time. Xander eating, he he. He eats it seems when there's something tense going on, I do try to make the characters believable. The adults aren't really protecting Dawn,she knows what they want to do, well atleast she knows what Angel wants, she just doesn't think that Giles will go for it. It's not necessarily the meeting that upsets her.

Thank You!

03/20/2007 11:05 am
I wouldn't want to have to ask for anything from Angel, let alone something as important as this for Buffy. I'm still suprised that Dawn hasn't said one thing about Spike in the last two weeks. She has to miss him a little after all that time. No one's forgotten about Anya, have they? Even Faith accepted the strong relationship that Buffy and Spike had. Glad when someone, anyone will put two and two together. Only five days before Spike comes back. He was in the amulet for ninteen days. Can't wait, thanks.
Can't say as I blame you on the whole Angel thing.

Dawn is still trying to get Buffy back, and hasn't really thought about Spike, that will change though.

Xander's still pretty much torn up over Anya. He's just putting on a front.

Faith can be perseptive at times.

Someone will eventually get the memo.

You never know Spike may come back. I'm not saying a word on that front.

Thank You!

03/20/2007 05:28 am
things are looking bleak...i hope they manage to help them...but then, maybe they dont really want to be helped :P
No, there's reason to my madness. Just hang in there and you'll see.

Thank you!

03/20/2007 01:37 am

Let me guess,, they get her there in time for Spike to "arrive"?

Still not sure how i want this story to go!!!!! Ggggggrrrrrr!!!

Great chapter though!
Maybe, like I've said you never know what's going to happen until it happens in this story.

I hope you enjoy where it does go.

Thank you!