All the Way and Then Some by Scarlet Ibis
Chapter: Fancy Ideas

02/26/2008 08:28 pm
It's Riley,isn't it?? Gosh!
Anyway,good chapter it was:)
Unfortunately, yeah...Had to address that whole bit, didn't I?

03/20/2007 06:33 pm
I hate Riley! Hope that this blows up in his face this time and not Spikes. Really enjoying this, thanks.
Glad you're enjoying this still, and hope you still do after this next chapter...

03/20/2007 07:26 am
Evil Riley (I'm guessin it's Riley, since he was disgusted when he saw Buffy and Spike together.)
Of course- evil, stalking, jealous Riley...

03/20/2007 05:50 am
evil riley...grrr...i wish he'd die...okay, violent rant over for now...but now, buffy's much closer to spike...maybe she'll react differently this time around??
It'll be different, kinda... Let me know what you think...