Out of the Frying Pan, Into the Fire by wolf116
Chapter: An Unexpected Cryptic Message

03/24/2007 11:17 pm
I like your portrayal of Dru, the interaction between her and Spike was great. Loved the Spuffy scene Tara walked into. Fantastic chapter!
Thank You!

You guys have made me smile, after the day I've had. Can't tell you how these reviews brightened it up.

Thank You for that.

03/24/2007 10:48 pm
ooh...dru AND miss edith? you sneaky, sneaky author, you. now, i'm panting to know when spuffy will figure out what dru was talking about! hope they figure it out before butthead angel and evil inc. another wonderful chappie! can't wait for more!
Sneaky? Who me?

Spuffy will find out shortly, but not short enough for you all I'd guess. Just hang in there.

Thank You!

03/24/2007 07:25 am
Wow, that was a surprise. Guess if everyone else is here, why not her? Oh boy, wait 'til they figure out they really don't belong there after all. Wondering just how upset they are going to be? What did Giles really want from the couple, besides distrubing them anyway? Surprising chapter, thanks for the shake-up.
Where else would you find Dru though? Oh they'll find out soon enough. Giles reason is coming in a couple of chapters. They ran into Dru on the way to his office.

Thank you!

03/24/2007 05:00 am
very good chappie, thank you. glad to see dru, always loved her ramblings.
Had to get Dru in there somehow. Needed a good loony moment.

Thank You!

03/23/2007 11:15 pm
Nice to see Dru.
Thank You!

03/23/2007 07:35 pm
hmmm, curiouser and curiouser....very intriguing, looking forward to seeing what happens next :)
Curious? Hmm, happy to see that you found this intriguing.

Thank You!

03/23/2007 07:23 pm
interesting interesting.... Can't want for the next update!!!!

Great Chapter!
Happy to see that it was interesting.

Thank You!