Out of the Frying Pan, Into the Fire by wolf116
Chapter: News That's of the Good

10/10/2007 09:57 pm
Ok I am hooked need more please

03/29/2007 10:20 pm
good news, not. good read, yes, thank you.

03/29/2007 06:13 pm
hmmmm...that would be interesting, them getting released from the mental institution...wonder what "home" would be like for them in their alternate reality? interesting chapter, love :)

03/29/2007 11:16 am
Intriguing turn of events, should be interesting to see how this new development plays out. Loved Spike and Buffy's little exchange about Giles. Good update!

03/29/2007 08:46 am
That is a bit of a cunundrum? Where will they go and can they be together on the outside? This will be interesting. Thanks for the great update.

03/28/2007 11:15 pm
yea...good to see what's going on w/ spuffy. hmm, still wondering if they're really in her mind or in some weird waiting room of the PTB. another excellent chappie, keep up the great work!

03/28/2007 09:37 pm
Decisions decisions...

03/28/2007 07:22 pm
OH boy oh boy oh boy YOUR EVIL!!!!!

Yes cliffhanger damn it!


please update soon! and ummm thank you!
Evil, Evil, Evil! HE,HE!

Just wait and see just how evil I can be.

Don't you just hate a cliffhanger.

Thank You!