Future Sins Past by DreamsofSpike
Chapter: Revelations

07/01/2010 05:15 am

04/30/2007 07:19 pm
Ahh Spike escaped! Fantastic! Love the story.
thanx, love :)

04/28/2007 10:15 pm
Okay, that last comment was meant to be posted on Chapter 15. I had a brain fart :P

As for Chapter 16: I wish that I could say that I'm surprised at Buffy's quick backpedaling from treating Spike with respect to going back to treating him with...well, NOT respect. Just a matter of a soul. Of course, the fact that soulless Spike lied to her about having a soul just to save his own hide doesn't do much for the soulless Spike isn't completely evil campaign :P
lol...that's okay, love no problem :) and thanx for your great reviews, very much enjoyed reading them :)

04/28/2007 09:36 pm
Drusilla really should stay away from magic. Crazy + Magic = Bad. Or maybe it'll be good, depending on your point-of-view :)

Thanks for the translation. I tried it from Latin to English, and it didn't turn out so well :P Hmm...Let's see: Spike lost his soul when he was vamped. Both humans and demons see vampires as a an unnatural abomination of humans and demons. No clue about the destiny part. Although Dru might be thinking "eternal" in the immortal sense, we know that Buffy's Spikes eternal love in the love-you-forever kind of sense. I'm a bit behind on reading, so I don't yet know what's going to really happen, but I'm guessing that Drusilla restores Spike's soul or de-vamps him or something. Of course, you are the Queen of the Ironic Plot Twist, so I guess I'll just have to wait and find out :P
not telling anything on your suggestions, because i don't want to give anything away just yet :) thanx, love, for your thoughtful, interesting review :)

04/28/2007 01:49 am
Okay, now you're just trying to see if suspense can actually kill someone. Please update before I find out!!!
lol...no, would i do that??? *blink innocently* :P thanx, love, glad you're enjoying it, i'll have more soon :)

04/27/2007 12:30 am
had really hope dru's spell would remove the chip. very good read, thank you.
we'll see :)

04/26/2007 08:30 pm
heavens. this is a mess. Can't wait to see what happens next, though!
lol...thanx, love :)

04/26/2007 08:29 pm
Great Chapter -
thanx ;)

04/26/2007 07:33 pm
No! Don't stop there! We know that Buffy's his destiny, but what did it do to him? Please post again soon! This is nerve-racking! Fantastic cliffie, thanks DOS.
well, there's a bit more to it than that :) thanx, love :)

04/26/2007 06:55 pm
Yummy stuff!
thanx, love :)

04/26/2007 06:18 pm
And another forgot to mention (early mornings and Kathleen are not mixey)...So I suspect the pain in the head is actually more all over pain of souling and Spike is in for quite the surprise when he is aware!!!

Great update.

mmmm....no, it's chip pain....more explainy later ;)

04/26/2007 12:55 pm
Oh I meant to mention.....one accomplishment of Spike's lie is to give them a view of him that is different if they can but see. Mostly....Spike now has been on the receiving end of Buffy's kindness. He has been touched by it. He has been changed by it without realizing it yet. Subtle relationship changes have to happen now.

yeah, but it's caused them to be even less likely to trust him...he's developed some feelings for buffy...but he's pretty much shattered any faith in him she was building...more soon, love :)

04/26/2007 12:52 pm
Ooo So Dru's spell hasn't restored Spike's soul yet or removed the chip.....interesting. Glad Spike did escape though. They should notice he didn't try to attack any of them (not in the escape OR while unshackled earlier). His explanation made perfect sense to me....they WOULD have staked him had he not lied.

Nice Dru scene again. Great character voices.

Looking forward to more, greedy girl that I am.

well, in the history of the buffy-verse, a lot of spells didn't take effect the very first moment they were cast... ;) ... and yes, they should have noticed something was up with him, but the scoobs never were the most observant bunch...more as soon as i can manage it, love :)

04/26/2007 12:21 pm
what a cliffhanger! i need more!! soon!!! thanx!!!!
soon, love, thanx :)

04/26/2007 10:07 am
That's torn it! He's blown any advantage he was gaining.
well...yeah :(

04/26/2007 05:13 am
Tricky tricky, making us think the spell would be revealed this chapter. I almost forgot that you like to play with your readers and hold your secrets close.

Because I always like telling you what I thought (mostly for a good laug), here was what I had thought while reading: I was waiting for the stake to get him, only for Dru's spell to kick in, making him less vamp and more human, resulting in blinding pain and a shocked Buffy.

Now...I ain't got a clue what you will do.
lol...good...gotcha right where i wantcha ;P lol

04/26/2007 04:30 am
well, glad to see it, but that didn't resolve much!
lol...not yet :)

04/26/2007 04:20 am
I still don't know what her bloody spell did!! Damn you!
lol...soon, love :)

04/26/2007 04:12 am
Hmmm, so what really is happening? Well, he tried, but it was a long-shot. Looking forward to seeing what happens next.
we'll see very soon :)

04/26/2007 03:59 am
And she did not seem inclined to double check his work. - LOL - can't believe Buffy's That stupid. She must secretly want Spike to escape so he can remain a Bad Boy.
well, she's kind of trusting when it comes to the whole soul thing *rolls eyes at dumb young slayer* lol...thanx, love :)

04/26/2007 03:56 am
First off, the speedy update is much appreciated. Right now I'm thinking Dru just ensouled Spike, which would be a total hoot because nobody is going to believe him. However it plays, I've no doubt it'll be as interesting as what's come so far. Another great chapter. Thanks!
not telling what she just did, more will be revealed soon... :) thanx for your kind words, love :)

04/26/2007 03:56 am
Yeah, the Latin-to-English translator went a bit too literal...figured out enough, though. And removing the unnatural makes a pretty obvious result, in Spike's case....it's the "eternal love" part that screwed Dru over.

He may be evil and soulless, but he's not a thing! "Things" don't have sentience...nasty Slayer.
yeah, but she was mad, and she's following the council's line of reasoning at this point ;P

04/26/2007 03:55 am
Thanks for the quick update. I can't imagine how Spike is going to get out of this mess.
it wont be easy, that's for sure :P

04/26/2007 03:10 am
No fair! Yay for the more than speedy update, but we don't get to see what the spell does. Wah! Is there another speedy update in our future of oh say... tomorrow?
soon, love :) thanx for your kind review :)