One Hundred Percent Pure by yutamiyu
Chapter: I

11/12/2012 02:01 pm
This was the sweetest ever, and I don't even like Hershey's kisses!  (Chocolate snob.)

05/29/2007 01:14 am
oh that was so nice and romantic. I love when Spike's softer side is shown. If only we all could find a demond as sweet and sexy as Spike to leave little chocolates next to our panties. *daydreaming now*
Aah. Great image to have in my head. Mmm. :P Thanks for reading and reviewing!

05/17/2007 01:45 pm
Oh gosh, if only Spike left chocolate in my underwear drawer!


I might go and check.

Great story, just great.
::grin:: It's a nice little fantasy, isn't it? Glad you liked it!

05/17/2007 01:44 pm
Oh gosh, if only Spike left chocolate in my underwear drawer!


I might go and check.

Great story, just great.
::grin:: It's a nice little fantasy, isn't it? Glad you liked it!

05/10/2007 02:15 am
this was great Soike and Buffy were really sweet and I think you got the idiot Willow's character spot on.
Thank you so much!

04/27/2007 12:54 am
chocolate and sex, good start to replacing heaven. very good read, thank you.
Isn't it, though? Sounds like heaven to me right about now. Couldn't really have that, so I wrote the story. :P

04/26/2007 03:45 pm
awwww, that was incredibly sweet, and very very hot...loved it :) her reaction when she caught him was perfect...and the way he gradually brought her around without her ever even knowing it was him doing it...perfect, love, great job with this story :)
::grin:: Thank you so much!

04/26/2007 03:37 pm
Lovely story!!
Thank you!

04/26/2007 10:31 am
A much more enjoyable way for them to get together than a punch-up!
Isn't it, though? And despite the eating of chocolate, infinitely healthier. :P

04/26/2007 08:38 am
Lovely story.

04/26/2007 06:41 am
Very sweet. The chocolate served more than one purpose. It let her know someone cared without being overbearing, it helped her gain weight and itlet Spike express his love without rejection or having to put up with the Scoobies.
Chocolate is one of the ultimate multipurpose foods. Truly. Also helps with seduction. :P Thanks for reading and reviewing!

04/26/2007 06:37 am
I loved it. Hot, chocolatey Spuffy. Mmm. :D
Yummy, no? :D

04/26/2007 06:28 am
Chocolate! Better than heaven, at times. Sex with Spike...definitely better. Very nice, hot little number. Definitely enjoyed it.
::grin:: Isn't it, though? Glad you liked it!