A Very Joan and Randy Christmas by Shadowlass
Chapter: One

Buffy Convet
05/18/2014 08:21 pm
TextVery nice. I have a brain problem & didn't remember what was next after each scene, even though I KNEW I'd read it before. So, it was all good.

Buffy Convert
03/03/2014 12:19 am
Great! Loved it when Spik/Randy freaked out over his hair being white!!!Text

07/05/2010 11:10 am

12/04/2007 08:18 pm
Simply loved it!!!


Pam S
05/02/2007 10:01 pm
Loved it .. I enjoyed the laugh.

05/02/2007 08:14 pm
It's boody addictive is this fic. I couldn't tell you, how many times I've read it on various sites. Love it.

05/01/2007 05:37 pm
Aww, what a cute christmas.

05/01/2007 05:15 am
delightful romp, thank you.

05/01/2007 01:50 am
LOL I've read this before, but it still gave me a warm fuzzy feeling - and a chuckle.

04/30/2007 10:52 pm
What a treat! Not much sweet fun around lately so it was a real treat to read this again.

04/30/2007 09:45 pm
This was great! Could you possibly do more, if inspiration hits you?