Life On Earth by FetchingMadScientist
Chapter: Raw

05/29/2007 04:56 am
This is all so tragic - hard to read but a wonderful story - Hope your Oscar can help - Very much like how you connected William time period in this piece. Hope you can bring us a new chapter soon.
Oh, Oscar will help. And, I am so glad you like the story. have to have hard times or the hero of the story would not be a hero. :) Please keep reading, and thank you for your comment!

05/18/2007 08:17 pm
really like the different various new characters you use in the work - wonderful story and great chapter, hope you will post an update soon.
Not too Mary Sue, is it? Thanks for reading.

05/10/2007 07:07 am
loved buffy's ending comment. very fine read, thank you.
Thanks. :) I couldn't resist the little jibe. Glad you liked it.

Miss Rose
05/10/2007 04:25 am
Hurry Oscar hurry! The Dustin family could definitely use Oscar's help right about now, I just hope they decide to trust him. Fantastic chapter.
I hope he can help, 'cause you're right. Spike needs all the help he can get at this point.

05/09/2007 11:40 pm
Poor family.....:(
I know...Thanks for reading. It will get better...I promise.