Future Sins Past by DreamsofSpike
Chapter: Reversing Roles

06/24/2007 05:56 pm
Well done :)
thanx, love :)

06/17/2007 07:42 am
Oh boy... it's gotta be Willow. Or maybe it's not- won't know till an update ;) Either way, they should *really* stop telling people to come out to Giles' at night, by way of walking, cause honestly, more safe to just stay at home, and not answer the door. *sigh* Poor Xander. Hopefully, if Will does capture him, she'll just turn him instead of... stuff. Will she treat Angel like a "puppy" again? Can't wait :D
thanx, love, i guess we'll see :)

06/16/2007 05:29 am
STAKE HER! *dances*
lol...we'll see :)

06/16/2007 02:01 am
Too bad the sire-childe thing is so strong, wished Willow would kill him instead of what Spike has seen of their future. Will Willow find Xander before he gets to Giles place? So many questions. Really feeling for Spike at this point, it doesn't seem like having visions is helping much to change things. Just make them all aware of what's to be their fate. Great work, thanks.
thanx so much, love, but the sire-childe thing might not be as strong as you think :P lol

06/15/2007 01:19 am
Oh, wow. DoS, you should write Vamp!Willow all the time. How wonderfully, wonderfully creepy. Angel has no idea what he's gotten himself into, has he? This story gets better and better with every chapter. The coolest part is that I NEVER know where you're going to take us next!
thanx, love, so glad you're so into it ;)

06/15/2007 12:22 am
Another great chapter!
thanx :)

06/15/2007 12:21 am
very good read, thank you. red does make a fine vampire. i'd vote to feed her xander and then resoul her. i think she could handle it.
thanx so much, love :)

06/14/2007 10:50 pm
Great chapter! You write a really great evil vamped Willow.
thanx so much, love :)

06/14/2007 10:20 pm
That would be very ironic if Willow dusted Peaches. Very interesting chapter, and can't wait for an update.
lol...yeah, it would be...we'll see :)

06/14/2007 08:28 pm
SO, Willow has weakened Angel to the point he can't keep track of her - and he said he'd be better in a day _with blood_ - which I'm sure Willow hasn't been thoughtful enough to provide. I assume it's Willow at the door, although you could completely throw us and have it be Angel - "Willow was hurt, I had to vamp her, but now she has vanished and I need your help!"
Xander is on his way and might show up before they get to the door...might be better to just stake her NOW, before he knows anything. Or get her souled.
thanx so much, love, so glad you're enjoying the story...we'll see what happens, won't we?

06/14/2007 06:42 pm
Great chapter! Hope Willow has plenty of fun torturing her puppy Angel :) Can't see Xander forgiving Buffy even with a good apology. Can't wait for more.
thanx so much, love ;)

06/14/2007 05:07 pm
Oh dear....hope Willow has been busy with Angel! Maybe Jenny can ensoul her and it would help because Willow is not like Liam...not rotten at the core to start with. So much tragedy might be averted.....somehow I doubt that will happen though!

I don't see how Xander will be able to bring himself to forgive Buffy at this point even if it isn't technically her fault. Even a good grovel won't undo the damage.

Nice friendship developing between Buffy and Spike and Giels was cute telling them to both shut up.

Buffy best worry about her mom too....wicked Willow this way comes and she knows Buffy well...the best way to hurt her would be to get to Joyce.

thanx so much, love, i so enjoy reading your reviews :) we'll see what happens, won't we ;)

06/14/2007 04:53 pm
Super!!! This is so much fun -- vamp Willow rocks!
thanx, love :)

06/14/2007 04:24 pm
Willow certainly woke up pissed. And I doubt it's Angel at the door and Willow might still be "playing" with him so maybe Whistler?
thanx so much, love...we'll see :P

06/14/2007 04:14 pm
Good chapter. I still can't believe that Buffy is wallowing in self pity. When is she going to accept reality and start acting like a slayer. I hope it is soon.
thanx so much, love, so glad you are enjoying it :)