Work in Progress by Scarlet Ibis
Chapter: Slipping Away

01/17/2016 10:51 pm
I've read this before but it's still such a heart ache to read it again - you have to feel a great sorrow for Spike, Buffy and even Riley.  Haromony and Chris - sure they made the choice to seek vengeance and do the rape, but all the others - they had free will and chose their actions. 

02/24/2008 04:18 pm
Awww,I wonder how you're gonna fix this.Guess it's gonna be hard to fix a situation as complicated as this one.
But I liked it.
Read on, young grasshopper.


02/20/2008 03:02 am
Wow! and I LOVE it!  Great chapter.

02/20/2008 02:11 am
Wow! and I LOVE it!  Great chapter.

02/20/2008 02:11 am
Wow! and I LOVE it!  Great chapter.
Thank you :D

06/23/2007 04:22 pm
nice! I like your Spike here. I AM kinda wondering what Buffy would prefer as punishment for Riley. Unless she was just reacting in shock to what she'd just stumbled onto.
Then again, what is your Riley capable of? When this is done (if they don't eat him...bad choice of words...what an image...) will he be scared and leave Spike alone, or will he just want further revenge?
Great dialog in this piece - sounds very real and true to character. I think the dialog is one of the hardest parts to get right, and you've done it well.
Buffy's just confused, and has no idea how to handle any of this. And what to do with Riley... Can't say (honestly, Muse doesn't 100% know anyway). Thanks for your lovely review :D

06/22/2007 04:39 am
Oh, god, I loooooooooved this chapter. And the end, perfect. Can't wait for more.
Lol, (blushes) thanks GB. Some people didn't like the whole biting thing, but I'm glad you liked it.

06/21/2007 12:33 pm
A very powerful chapter indeed!
I hope you enjoy the follow up just as much. Thanks for reviewing :D

06/21/2007 05:45 am
cannot generate any sympathy for riley. find it very telling that xander attacks a chipped spike. found the chapter ending to be fantastic. thanks for the fine read.
Thank you profusely for your lovely review :D

06/20/2007 10:35 pm
A great chapter. I like how the author kept Riley's punishment without Spike going utterly evil and doing it himself and enjoying the pain rather than the payback. the slightly hysterical part is just enough, but what happens to Riley had to happen in my opinion. If a vamp bite is as erotic in this fic as some write, I look forward to the next chapter. Buffy and Spike did have a budding sweetness in their relationship after Spike was attacked, and I hope that can get him to stop before killing Buffy. Still, he could take enough that she wouldn't be strong enough to make the decision of staking him for what they did to Riley.
Eagerly awaiting Spuffy in the next chapter.
Thanks for agreeing with me :) And he won't kill Buffy- he's just so frustrated right now, and wanted to, well, shake some sense into her is all. And Spuffy will be coming, though unfortunately, not in the update. Thanks for reviewing :D

06/20/2007 08:01 pm
cannot generate any sympathy for riley. find it very telling that xander attacks a chipped spike. found the chapter ending to be fantastic. thanks for the fine read.
Xander's all... misguided and out of the loop here, and yes, though he assumed Spike was chipped, he just saw his friend about to hurt. And if it helps, he wasn't happy about it. Thanks for reviewing :D

*bite me*
06/20/2007 07:50 pm
wow. this is awesome. i loved the end of this chapter. I can't believe that happened. I love this story. keep up the good work.
Thanks- it's always great to know I can shock a viewer. Thank you for reviewing, and hope to see you next chapter :D

06/20/2007 06:35 pm
Oh my goodness. I totally didn't see that coming. Now I'm on the edge of my seat.
I'm glad I was able to shock you. Thanks for reviewing :D

06/20/2007 06:16 pm
I can honetly say that I do not like the way Spike handled Riley. I know that Riley deserved it but I do not think an eye for an eye is the way to handle it. I think this makes Spike as bad as Riley. I hope that Spike will come to his senses after he tastes Buffy's blood. I really did not expect for Spike to become vindictive in this story.
Well, if it helps at all, Spike hadn't planned it at all- it just happened... Thanks for reviewing, and I'm hoping you'll stick with it :D

06/20/2007 04:48 pm
a wonderful, exciting, dark and disturbing chapter,'re doing an amazing job with this story...nice cliffhanger :P...i'm proud lol... ;) ... i'm eagerly awaiting what will happen next :)
Thank you for ironing out all of those lousy kinks :D And aww shucks- proud? I'm a blushin'... thank you again.

06/20/2007 02:34 pm
Yikes -- that was unexpected. Glad Riley's enjoying himself. Just promise me Spike doesn't elope with Harmony!
Riley isn't enjoying himself- it really is involuntary. I just thought it'd add to his further humiliation ;) Lol on that last bit- of course not. Thanks for reviewing.

06/20/2007 01:28 pm
okay i do really like this story!!and i dont feel bad at all for riley.......but i dont really think that he should have bitten her ....she was his drinking buddy and she was the object of his desires.....and he kissed her....but i do really like the story
Yay! (claps hands). Yeah, nearly everyone doesn't feel sorry for him. And Spike, though he lets his emotions get the best of him, he knows when to reign in the control. And he didn't kiss her- not yet. Thanks for the lovely review :D

06/20/2007 08:02 am
Well, I'm well with the eye for an eye. But Buffy helped Spike. I know he's mad with her, but I hope he doesn't kill her. Looking forward to more.
Thanks- you are with the majority. And he won't kill her... that's all I have to say about that. Thanks for reviewing :D

06/20/2007 05:45 am
Fascinating. You're going to keep going, right? Soon? Not leaving us there?

:;grin:: Whenever you have time to update, I'll be watching. Nice chapter.
Of course I am, lol. And no, I'd have to be a mean ol' bitch to leave it there. Thanks for the lovely review :D

06/20/2007 05:02 am
Eep! It's a thing you gave her the dream or I'd be worried for her. He still loves her but is caught up in the moment. Maybe he'll claim her? Might upset Harmony but it would be an interesting twist. Thanks Jill, to bad Riley's enjoying it. Don't know if it's the violence that gets him off or he's discovered he also enjoys men. This was, so worth the wait.
You're the only one to specifically refer to that, and you are 100% on the money. And Riley's not enjoying it- it really is involuntary... Thanks for the lovely review :D

06/20/2007 04:39 am
this is horrible. i can't read this story anymore. as if riley doing that wasn't bad enough, but spike doing the same thing and attacking buffy when he's supposed to love her is just too much for me. i'm done now.
Well, not exactly the same so much as allowing it to happen. Did you really want Riley to get away with it scott free? Most people didn't, and Muse didn't, but sorry it upset you... Spike being forgiving about it is *way* OOC.

06/20/2007 04:38 am
I don't feel bad at all for Riley.

Though I'm thinking Buffy's kind of stupid. Exactly what did she think should happen to Riley?
Buffy's just... confused. She'll have to cope with it all, eventually. Thanks for reviewing :D

06/20/2007 04:23 am
Ho,ho! Good for Spike getting his rocks back. We know he won't kill her, though.
Ah yes, of course he won't. He isn't that reckless. Thanks for reviewing :D

06/20/2007 04:13 am
Hmm, I think I should feel bad for Riley, but in this case, not particularly. Looking forward to the next chapter!
Lol, good, then you're with the majority. Thanks for reviewing :D

06/20/2007 03:39 am
Oh is he going to kill her or stop her.

No what they are doing to Riley is not right, but in a way he does desevre it.
Spike may be impulsive, but usually, his emotions get the best of him... No, it's not right, I agree. However, doesn't it make you feel a bit better? Thanks for reviewing :D

06/20/2007 03:20 am
This chapter is leaving me in so much suspense. I don't really feel all that bad for Riley, but I hope Buffy will be okay. I can understand Spike's need for revenge though. Can't wait for the next chapter.
Well, it's to be a Spuffy, so of course she'll be okay... And yes, revenge is a must!! Thanks for reviewing :D

06/20/2007 02:44 am
Sadly, I dont feel bad for Riley. I should but i don't. I just hope doesn't kill Buffy.
It's okay that you don't- most people don't, and really, it's okay. Thanks for reviewing :D