Animal Nature by beanie
Chapter: Thank You

07/13/2007 05:18 am
I'm really enjoying this story. Thanks for the update, I'm looking forward to more soon.

07/10/2007 11:02 pm
awww, poor spike...he's so uncertain and insecure, and rightfully so considering how she's treated him in the past...but i think he'll soon find that buffy's feelings have changed toward him, for the better...great chapter, love :)

07/09/2007 12:47 pm
Great chapter. I'm glad Buffy told Giles and Spike she wanted to be in the crypt.

07/09/2007 05:43 am
what a lovely read, thank you.. really hope this is not just an interlude in buffy's "normal" behaviour.

07/09/2007 03:41 am
Just love that she feel so safe with him and doesn't care who knows it. It's the best thing in the world to him, and I'm enjoying his happiness. Looking forward to more, thanks beanie.

07/08/2007 10:12 pm
Oh I am so glad she standed up to Giles.

07/08/2007 09:00 pm
The interaction between Spike and Buffy in this chapter was beautiful. Silent actions can say so much. Glad that Giles was told off.

07/08/2007 08:57 pm
Aww, great chapter!! Love the intimacy, and hope, that Spike and Buffy have now. I'm also glad that Buffy's not gonna let the Scoobies dictate her life. Can't wait for more!!

07/08/2007 07:45 pm
Promising development. Groundwork for a relationship is laid. Now to deal with the rabble.


07/08/2007 06:49 pm
I really like this chapter. Spike's silent comforting of Buffy, shown several times in the show, was my favorite part of their interactions. Showing the 'evil, obsessed' vampire was more interested in just holding her, and Buffy wanting to be held, reveals a lot about both of them.
I am looking forward to the Council's explanations about the feral side of the Slayer that was revealed by Buffy. I wonder if we'll get truth or a mixture of truth and plausible lies? I'm just sure the VAMPIRE Slayer is going to learn something that affects everyone, especially her relationship with the vampire! And the hot, leather-wearing one, too, not Tall Dark and Brooding.

07/08/2007 03:42 pm
I like this Buffy -- I hope she gives the others some of the same treatment that Giles enjoyed!

07/08/2007 03:33 pm
Another great chapter. I like Buffy fighting back and not accepting meekly that her friends know best. Thanks!