Other Things the Road to Hell is Paved With by Eowyn315
Chapter: Para in My Normal

07/16/2007 08:35 pm
Poor Buffy. One step forward and two steps back. Real life issues are always a kick in the pants. Lovely writing. Looking forward to updates!
Thank you for the review! I'm glad you liked it.

07/10/2007 11:41 pm
oh man, poor buffy :( i feel so bad for her...and the scene with spike and dawn was so sweet...very very good, love :) looking forward to more :)
Glad you enjoyed it. Buffy's having a rough time of it... but I think Spike can be sweet to her as well as Dawn. :)

07/10/2007 08:25 pm
long over due training for dawn, very good. call from the bank, nightmare time. very good read, thank you.
Thanks! I'm glad you liked it. :)

07/10/2007 08:18 pm
Good chapter. The emotions all carried really well.
I never understood why she didn't just sell the house. I mean whatever sentimental value (and how much could there really have been?) would have been outwayed by having been where her mom died (along with myriad other unfornate events). To me anyway. Sometimes I think the writers just went the path of most resistance for her, make her more martyr-y.
Thanks! I think part of the reason they didn't sell the house - from the production perspective - is just practical. They would've had to build a new set for wherever Buffy and Dawn moved to, which would've been expensive. Also, the Summers house is a great set for large group scenes - especially after the destruction of the Magic Box, it became the only set for those purposes. Where on earth would they have put all those potentials if Buffy and Dawn lived in an apartment? lol

From my story's perspective, it is a sentimental thing. Remember how Dawn was sad they had to get rid of the statue Joyce liked, when they did the Willow magic purge? It's similar to that feeling, only multiplied by about a thousand, because their mother bought pretty much everything in the house - the furniture, the odds and ends, the wall hangings. Giving it up is like giving up a huge piece of their memories of Joyce. Also, I think it's a benchmark for Buffy - being able to maintain the house proves she's an adult, and having to sell it shows she's a failure.

Whew, that was a long response, lol. Thanks for the review!

07/10/2007 02:33 am
I am just glad that Spike has the time for Dawn. They really need each other right now. And Buffy has to be honest with her with what is going on. Just love the chpater.
Yeah, I think Dawn is old enough to handle the truth, but it's a combination of Buffy being overprotective and her tendency to try to handle all her problems alone (damn Slayer complex). Thanks for the review!

07/09/2007 01:14 pm
Great chapter. I loved Spike training Dawn, and felt sorry for Buffy.
Thanks for the review, I'm glad you liked it!

07/09/2007 01:00 pm
Good to see you tackling one of the illogical plotholes in S6! I bet you can fix it.
Hmm... which illogical plothole are you referring to? The financial problems? Dawn never being trained? Or did I miss something? lol

07/09/2007 12:57 pm
Oh no, I hope someone will help her.
More please love it.
Sounds like Spike wants to try, at least... Thanks for the review!

07/09/2007 02:52 am
The nice thing about banks, is that they really want you to keep paying. If you talk to them, something can usually be worked out, but if you don't and just hide, then you're just gonna lose the house. The bank doesn't want to foreclose.....they lose a ton of money on that every time.

About time someone trained Dawn. Considering how many normal kids are in martial arts classes when they're 5, it's stupid to leave the Slayer's sister an easy mark.

And Buffy's finally softening....

Would the demon be the Glarghk?
The bad thing about Buffy, though, is that her instinct in these situations tends to be to hide...

And yeah, it's good for Dawn to be able to defend herself. Buffy kind of lives in denial, thinking Dawn can always be shielded and protected from the bad stuff, but she's gotta learn sometime.

07/09/2007 02:43 am
Love the title for the chapter. Now to see what Spike can do to help? Is he rich here as well? Now that I'm all caught up, I can't wait to find out. Wonder what the deaths mean for them. Great work, thanks.
Spike, rich? Depends if he's like Angel or not, Mr. "I was alive for 200 years and never developed an investment portfolio." :)

07/09/2007 12:59 am
The real demons of the world....financial worries...sigh

Poor Buffy it was the "normal" part of life that was really killing her, she was handling the para quite well.

Loved the Dawn & Spike scene. What a clever way to teach the scamp without getting skewered.

More plot pieces too....lovely chapter.

That's really true... Buffy always complained about being the Slayer and wanting to be normal, but it was the normal that kicked her ass. Thanks for the review!

07/09/2007 12:49 am
Oooh, Magic Marker Training with Spike. i need to get me some of that:)
Heh, isn't it a cool idea? I saw it on a self-defense website once.

Mark Evans
07/09/2007 12:05 am
Awww poor Buffy. I'm sure you've got some nifty way of getting her money :) . At least I hope so, lol.

Mark Evans
07/09/2007 12:04 am
Awww poor Buffy. I'm sure you've got some nifty way of getting her money :) . At least I hope so, lol.
What? You think I'd let her out of a sticky situation so easily? Nah... ;)