I Know You II by slaymesoftly
Chapter: Fifteen

08/10/2007 02:37 am
love the somewhat conflicting thoughts of young buffy. very enjoyable read, thank you.
Thanks for reading. :)

08/09/2007 09:39 pm
well Poop! I wanted to know what the notes said. probably just something along the lines of
"don't bugger things up this time!" and
"stop brooding over angel. spike's way better in bed."
Can't wait for the update!
Good call! LOL Thanks for reading.:)

08/09/2007 08:13 pm
I like the girlie plotting.

08/08/2007 09:08 pm
Hey, great update. It's cool to see Spike being the rational one and Buffy being all John Wayne for a change!
Hee! Well neither one can be known for their impulse control,but at least they don't always go off about the same things at the same time. :)Thanks for reading.

08/08/2007 05:54 pm
Great chapter.
Thank you. ;)

08/08/2007 02:09 pm
Good chapter.Update soon.I hate winter just like Buffy,but I have Pennsylvania winters.(The snow's pretty the first few times and then you get annoyed.)But now that it's August and in the '90s, I desperately want winter to get here so we're not getting all those thunderstorms either.(Last night,the thunder was so loud it woke me up at 1:30.)

08/08/2007 04:52 am
thanks for the update...I can't wait to see what the notes contain.
Thanks for reading *g* The notes contain about what you'd expect...