Just Pretending... by BloodyTearsOfLife
Chapter: A Bit More Complicated...

11/23/2013 01:05 am

Very good. . . . I hope that you will finish this.     You premise is one I haven't seen before, and you pulled the story off extemely well.   

Thank you for sharing your talent with the rest of us.

08/20/2011 12:23 am
“Wait two seconds,” she breathed. “Where’s Dawn?”

Dawn popped her head up from under the trapdoor, a smile glittering her face.

“Present and accounted for!”

That girl is dangerous! :)
OK, sweetheart, I've read it all... UPDATE NOW!


Want more!!!!!
04/04/2010 02:26 pm

08/19/2007 08:52 pm

08/15/2007 11:05 pm
I was so happy to see this chapter. I hadn't realized how much I missed this story until now. Buffy really could have handled this much better with Giles. Who really cares about Xander. Dawn needs both Buffy and Spike to be there for each other and for her. And doesn't she just show up at the best of times?
Thanks! Sorry about the long wait. I think Buffy will be trying just a little harder from now on. ;) Thanks for reading.

08/15/2007 03:12 am
No one else is helping Buffy with Dawn! At least Giles is mature enough to realize that she needs some one's help, to bad the rest of them haven't grown up enough to realize it too! Glad Dawn got to see them together, gives her something to work with. Thanks for the update, really enjoying it.
Exactly! I hope to have Buffy bring that up later on. And Dawn will defintely be having fun with what she saw. Thanks for reading and reviewing.

08/14/2007 11:43 am
Glad that the story got updated I really like it. It was a good chapter. I like that now Dawn knows abour Buffy and Spike. Can't wait to read more
Yeah, I'm sorry about the long wait. I'll really try to have the next chapter up sooner. Thanks for reading.

08/14/2007 05:33 am
Ok, yay, for an update! Boo, Xander and Giles are head of the ass munch pack, and what was up with Willow feeling all rejected.

Hello, yeah Buffy know's that they are her family, but would any of them step up and act like her husband? Did any of them step up and really help take care of Dawn?

So, go Spike! He gets a shiny gold star.

Loved the end with Dawn poping up from below, lol. Did she see the kiss? Can't wait for more!

Okay, for me, Willow was just feeling hurt that Buffy didn't go to her. They're suppose to be best friends and Buffy didn't even tell her she was planning to do a fake marriage? Yeah, I think it would be a pretty big deal. But more on that will be explained in later chapters.

And all that will be addressed later too.

Thanks for reading and such a great review. =)

08/13/2007 05:16 pm
Maybe one day Buffy will grow up and tell Xander to mind his own business.
LOL! One could only hope. Thanks for reading!

08/13/2007 04:34 pm
Whee! It's like that schemer Dawn planned this scene. Fun.
Shhh! Don't tell anyone. ;) Not giving anything away, but like Spike said, people underestimate Dawn.

08/13/2007 08:02 am
I love your Dawn. She's cute. It does help make her cute that she loves Spike so damn much lol.
Thank you. I really do like writing her when she's not being a brat. ;)

I really liked the Dawn/Spike friendship and it made me sad when they just forgot about it in s6.

08/13/2007 04:45 am
so glad to see the update. I'm hoping for more soon.
Yup, I will be trying to get the next chapter up sooner. Sorry for the long wait.

08/13/2007 04:19 am
red's " we’re your family too,” shows why some people do not talk to half of the family memebers. love the last scene, especially dawn's smile. very good read, thank you.
To me, in this situation, Willow was just feeling hurt because Buffy didn't go to her, but all will be fixed. Glad to hear you liked the last scene. It was one of my favorties.

08/13/2007 03:38 am
I love this story...I'm so happy to read another update :)

Hehe, thanks so much. =)

08/13/2007 01:37 am
The Scoobies have a bad habit of letting thier twisted sense of morality get in the way of things.
Yeah they do. But don't worry, things will get set right eventually.

08/13/2007 01:16 am
Great reaction from the Scoobies, true to character(s).

Glad to see you update again, I really love this fic.
Thank you! Hopefully I'll have the next chapter up sooner than I did this one. :)

08/13/2007 12:50 am
What is her damage?! Attacking him, now, just because he's in his crypt?! Bitch.

Wow, that Magic Box meeting was a disaster....and the social worker figured out that Buffy hangs out there...is she stalking her? Geesh. They have the worst luck for timing ever.

The Dawn/Spike stuff continues to be really sweet.:)
First and foremost, she's the Slayer. I always thought Buffy was more of the attack first, ask questions later type.

Thanks for reading and reviewing!

08/12/2007 11:47 pm
lol...that made me genuinely chuckle, great little chapter there...very much enjoyed dawn's parts in it, and hope they can make a better impression on social services next chance they get...great chapter, love :)
Hehe! Thanks so much. I sometimes worry that I don't get the comedy right so it's really good to hear I got a chuckle out of you.