Other Things the Road to Hell is Paved With by Eowyn315
Chapter: Confronting Demons

08/24/2007 09:04 pm
excellent read, thank you. seems that she is going to have similar hallucination to the last victim. not going to be pleasant, is it?
Nope, not pleasant, although not necessarily similar. The poison pulls the hallucinations from the person's psyche, so it's personal for each one.

08/16/2007 04:37 pm
oh wow...spike's gonna have to get her somewhere safe, but with the demon dead, how are they going to get the antidote? this chapter was really awesome, love, very well written action sequences, and those are hard to do...can't wait to read the next installment of this wonderful piece, love :)
The demon's not dead... The last thing it did was skewer Buffy, then we faded into her hallucination. Presumably, it's still there, kicking Spike's ass. :) Glad you liked the action - I don't have a broad range of actiony knowledge (moves, weapons, etc.), so I feel like I get repetitive. Glad you liked it!

Mark Evans
08/15/2007 05:53 pm
Ooooh, the plot thickens, lol. I can't wait to read what happens next. Please don't make us wait too long :D . Thanks for the wonderful chapter.
Thanks for the review! I'm glad you liked it!

08/15/2007 05:45 pm
OOOO Normal Again turned on its ear! So looking forward to this part.

Love the banter and the bits of jealousy.

Yep, all kinds of new hallucinations for our girl. :) Glad you liked the chapter!

08/15/2007 02:25 pm
Great chapter! Really good action sequence and transition to Buffy's hallucination. Looking forward to more.
Thanks! Glad you enjoyed it. :)

08/15/2007 02:23 pm
oh this is interesting so she is not in the the hospital in this one is she. Wonder if Susan is getting them too. I am sure Spike won't be leaving Buffy alone.
Nope, not in the mental hospital. And, no, Susan wasn't stabbed because Buffy jumped in the way and saved her. So, she should be fine... except for the running for her life part, alone, in the woods, in the middle of the night... hmmm.

08/15/2007 11:46 am
Great chapter.

08/15/2007 09:28 am
Uh-oh.......had a feeling Buffy would get stung when the Glarghk was brought up. Interesting how it hasn't been trying to skewer Spike.
Eh, he just hasn't gotten close enough yet. Give him a chance. ;)

08/15/2007 04:46 am
She felt paralyzed by human violence, unable to mete out the vengeance those acts deserved, even as they shattered her black and white morality, harshly challenging her faith in the redeeming power of a soul.

My favorite part. It shows the serious amount of denial that Buffy has to engage in to keep her Angel formed view of souls.
I think it also fits with her growing acceptance of Spike - and the fact that, as far as we know, the main villain for this "season" is a human.

08/15/2007 04:03 am
Love that Buffy always is his priority. They know what it is now, that will help. Hate that Buffy's going to have to go through this again, though. Thanks for the update, Eowyn, great read.
She won't go through the same hallucinations as Normal Again (the mental hospital), but I don't imagine it will be any more pleasant for her. Thanks for the review!