Aloha my love by Isabel
Chapter: Will you kill me?

08/27/2007 02:37 am
well giles appears to be in her camp. good read, thank you.
Yes, it's a good thing because they really needed some support. Poor Spike and Buffy. Can't they just be happy without everything getting in the way? Guess not lol

08/26/2007 11:59 am
Wow! I just picked up your story for the first time. Kept thinking I would read a little more then go to bed, but what can I say I had to read as far as I could. I love it. Can't wait for then next chapter.
The best compliment a writer can get is that her fic kept someone awake late into the night ;) Glad you decided to give my story a chance and liked it. Thanks for your review, I appreciate it.

08/24/2007 12:02 pm
Quentin's gonna get his ass kicked... which is always of the good! :)

I hope this fic goes on for a loooong time. I'm gonna be so sad when it ends :P
Aww {{hug}} Couple more chapters to go. At least five or six. But don't be too sad, I have a lot of ideas for other fics, and hopefully, you'll love them just as much.

08/24/2007 04:27 am
I love this story so much. Great update!
Thank you! I'm glad you're enjoying my story.

08/23/2007 11:15 pm
Oh, like Spike doesn't like to read.....but the Big Bad has to protect his image...LOL.

Giles is lucky she wasn't really aiming to hurt him.
I think he'd rather read poetry. Not that he would ever admit it. Like you said... reputation lol.
Yeah, she could have given him a concusion with that book if she really wanted to. Giles IS lucky ;)

08/23/2007 10:54 pm
I am so happy that this chapter was available. And what a way for Giles to find out about Buffy and Spike. Goo team for the united front that they are going to show towards Quentin.
Thanks, Letitia. Glad you liked it.

08/23/2007 10:04 pm
So, Buffy's gonna take on the Council. 'Bout time somebody did. Ca't wait to read more. Loved it.
Thanks, jane. You're right, it's about time someone put those stuffy British men back in their place.

08/23/2007 09:18 pm
Go, Buffy! She really is on the brainy bandwagon now! Great chapter.
lol yeah, she's trying. And she might be on to something. You'll see. Thanks for your review.

08/23/2007 08:17 pm
Poor Spike, death by research!
Yep, the worse death possible lol

08/23/2007 08:08 pm
Great chapter. I love it when you update.
Aw, thanks! I hope you'll like the new update.