All Wrong by ClawofCat
Chapter: Chapter 2

09/02/2007 06:08 am
beautiful read, thanl you
Thanks for commenting, vladt!

08/31/2007 03:37 am
beautiful chapter. More soon, please.
Thanks, and I'm working on it as we speak.

08/31/2007 01:34 am
This was a lovely chapter. I particularly loved the paragraph where Spike watches Buffy lay herself open for him. It was very powerful. These are great characterizations - very true to both characters. And I like (okay, I don't like, like, cause I'm not as big a fan of darkness as I am of believable fluff, but you know what I mean. :)the way Dawn is letting her possible dissolution into the Key cause her to sink into a darkness even when she's still Dawn. Very nicely done, sweetie.
Thanks for the thorough review, Patti. And the paragraph you mention is my fave, too. Some nice crafting of imagery there. It was fun trying to consider how Buffy would be viewed through Spike's eyes. This is a bit fluffier than my usual, so it was important for me to try and make clear what each of them were feeling, what their motivations were, in order to sell the scenario. And agreed on poor Dawn. She's really scared, and we'll see later what sorts of things she gets up to that were skimmed over in Ch. 1. As you may have guessed, Ch. 1 is essentially the story, and everything I write now is how they got there, what has caused all this, and how they deal with it.

08/30/2007 08:47 pm
Love this story, your writing is amazing.
Thanks so much! I think my styles changed a bit from Ch. 1 to Ch. 2, but since I'll be updating this regularly, I'll try and keep it more consistant.

08/30/2007 02:48 pm
This was just beautiful. Thank you.
Thanks for saying so. I tried to really tap into Spike's motivations here. He was a former poet, so I think the pretty description of his observations seems fitting. Thanks for reading!

08/30/2007 01:28 pm
Oh my, you write beautifully. This story has been lovely to read, so looking forward to more
Thanks so much for your kind words. Toiling on Ch. 3 as we speak!