Drenched by Verity Watson
Chapter: Ch. 14: When the Lights are Lost and Low

09/17/2007 12:41 pm
Big fat mythology indeed! Just my cup of tea. Very hot relationship, I do wish the Jossverse had gone more in this direction - still angsty but hopeful. No pressure, but I would love to read more sometime.
Thanks, Selinde! Glad you're enjoying. What can I say? Hope spring eternal at the BSV, right?

09/09/2007 06:46 pm
Whoo! I thought Willow for sure was going to be kidnapped in this chapter. Glad I was wrong. I love the way you're filling in loose ends from the start of the tale...like the Father/Daughter Dance.
I'm glad you liked the loose-end tying up ... I find myself getting quite tangled in them after all these chapters!

09/08/2007 09:52 pm
So glad you updated! I'd forgotten how much I liked this story when I started reading it months ago. I won't forget again ;-)
Thanks, Elyse! Appreciate it. :)

09/07/2007 04:12 am
Funny how things happen that way. Five or six chapters become a saga or morph into a series. Now to figure out what Lydia is up too. Giles needs to know all he can, if they're to help her and that includes Spike! Update when you can, we are still waiting, thanks VW, wonderful story.
Thanks, Verda! Working on the next chapter now - should have it up next week. Glad you enjoyed!

Time of Change
09/07/2007 02:21 am
I'm so very happy to see an update on this story. I've been wondering what's happening...it's the kind of story that sticks in your mind.
I appreciate it! And I'm glad you've stuck with it - or, erm, it's stuck with you, or ... never mind. Thank you, thank you!

09/06/2007 10:11 pm
very happy to see this chapter, really enjoying the tale. good read, thank you.
Thanks, Vladt! 'Preciate it.

09/06/2007 03:46 pm
travers worries me..it was chilling to read his account of dozens of girls being murdered for the supposed "greater good"...he is truly a monster...great chapter, love, looking forward to more :)
Thanks. I know some writers manage to redeem the Council in their fics, but he just makes my skin crawl!

09/06/2007 11:07 am
Still lovin' this.

moremoremore... Please?
Thanks - so glad! And yesyesyes ... in a day or two. ;)

09/06/2007 03:58 am
Eeep! Yes! Yes! Still with you! Still so very very much with you! *dances the dance of the very happy you updated* Off to re-read the whole freakin' thing...again...
Yay! Your "eeep!" made my night!

09/06/2007 12:44 am
Oh I loved it.
Thanks so much! Glad you enjoyed.

09/06/2007 12:23 am
Just read through this. Yes, those nasty plot kitties love to beat the porn kitties into submission, don't they? Oh well, it's still good anyway.
Plot kitties & porn kitties throwin' down ... now that's a visual that's gonna stick with me! :) Thanks so much for reading.

09/05/2007 11:40 pm
So pleased to see this update. Great job with the mythology and the plotting. It makes for a brilliant read.
Thanks, Lou! I'm so glad you're reading.

09/05/2007 11:29 pm
We're still here. Great update.
Thanks, Tamara and schwoo! Glad you enjoyed.

09/05/2007 10:45 pm
Brilliant take on the Slayer origin! Slice off a bit of goddess indeed. No wonder Spike is so smitten *G* what's more effulgent than a goddess?

Oh yes, still with you. So happy your muse dug in the heels on this as it promises to deliver quite the whallop!

Well, my muse and I had a stern talk! And so glad that you're still here, Kathleen. Thanks - always - for reading & reviewing.
