I Know You II by slaymesoftly
Chapter: Nineteen

Buffy Convert
03/16/2014 04:00 pm
Wonderful, but-this is the end?                       As far as the NC-17 business: I never bother w/ an other than NC-17 with an unknown author. But I read all of your stuff even if it's Spike and Buffy, only as co-workers.
No? There are 29 chapters to this story, and several shorter fics set in either this world or in the "old" Sunnydale. "Knowing and Watching", "Pop Goes the Weasel", and "Meanwhile Back at the Hellmouth" are the three shorter ones I can think of off the top of my head.

09/13/2007 06:44 pm
Wonderful chapter! I just hope young Buffy can handle the situation she placed herself in.
She may surprise you. :)

09/13/2007 05:14 am
They are just too cute as a couple. And I am so glad that they are so a great team. The people are not going to know what hit them now.
We can hope so! :)

09/13/2007 03:07 am
they make an excellent team.the chemistry is fantastic. just like the tale.
Hee! thank you so much for saying so. :)

09/12/2007 05:46 pm
Great chapter. I just hope they don't run into any trouble.
Oh, but if they don't, what fun will it be? LOL Thanks for reading.

09/12/2007 01:03 pm
A cunning plan indeed. Lovely to see them working together.
Thank you. They seem to be in synch, don't they?

09/12/2007 04:03 am
Good chapter.Update soon. I like that Spuffy got into a fight.
Um, thanks!

09/12/2007 12:24 am
Oh a trap to get a personal excort to the factory...clever.

I just love how Spike is getting his very own Buffy here. This is a perfect dimension for an unsouled vamp and a misplaced Slayer to make a go of it too. Not as rigid as her own but still similar enough. Excellent

Love this, hon.

Thank you, Kathleen. I think they can go well in this dimension. I hope so, anyway. :)