Body Shots by NautiBitz
Chapter: Under It

06/09/2010 01:38 am

01/28/2008 04:47 pm
Now,that was just so...harsh to Spike! Learnin' that there was no spell wrecked him,and that Riley? Pain in his chipped head!

10/02/2007 04:37 am
love a confused spike, he is so entertaining. buffy is not as angry as i thought she would be. good chapter, thank you
I heart confused Spike too.

10/01/2007 08:13 pm
Damn! Poor Spike, more to deal with and something for Buffy to think about.

09/30/2007 10:49 pm
When you rutted me like a wild cheetah - Cut it out - I almost wet my pants laughing. More more more.
Whatever, you're the funny one around here. When's the next part of Beer Foamy coming out, anyway? =D