Long Black Veil by Coquine
Chapter: Long Black Veil

01/19/2012 12:47 am
The fact that she would let him die and do it herself. Ugh, she knew it wasn't him killing. But she killed him to protect her secret and he let her. She doesn't get the right to mourn him. Ten to one Riley set him up and even knew about him and Buffy and it was his way of breaking them up. The fact that she put her friends before Spike makes me mourn him and be glad of her suffering.

When he agreed to be staked it should have been enough for her to take that step and admit his alibi and tell her friends but she couldn't or wouldn't and that lessens his death.

08/19/2011 09:34 pm

07/30/2009 01:25 am
All I can say is...goosebumps!

05/31/2008 02:16 pm
I sobbed like a bleeding baby when i read this. i mean wtf? it was awsome but i dont get why he didn't say he was with her, suppose i'll have to listen to the song to understand the story a little better. nice job even though it was heart-wrenching.

10/14/2007 03:05 pm
Very strong piece - wonder if maybe you wrote this piece from a different place than you started from - This story does not read like Buffy/lover acts out of compassion or consideration for her friends, it reads more like tragic loss and acceptance of sacrifice but from actions based more on fear and a tragic lack of courage at "a crossroad."

10/14/2007 02:45 pm
I Like It - lovely short story and so very poignant. Love how you worked in the lyrics and the great way you bring in the elements relating to Spike, his chip and their hidden love affair. Wonderful study of contrasts and lost opportunities - I often think of Buffy as "a young woman of sometimes little heart," this piece brought that back again.

10/07/2007 04:43 am
holy crap! i hated it and loved it at the same time. is that even possible?

~Gost Writer

10/06/2007 10:06 pm
This is so sad it makes me cry. And Yet it's beautiful. realy. Thanks that you shared this with us.

10/06/2007 03:45 pm
This is so sad,I hate the scoobies

10/05/2007 07:37 pm
I love the song (I have the Johnny Cash version). Anyway, this is a powerful little fic, though it's impossible to sympathize with Buffy weeping for her lost love, when she deliberately murdered him in order to protect her own reputation.
Wow, don't think I've ever have someone say a story of mine was powerful! Thank you! And as I told DoS, I like hearing other people's interpretations of things I write. In my head, Spike agreed to take their secret to the grave with him, because he knew how much it would hurt her to hurt the others, and he couldn't do that. And Buffy killed him because she knew he would've wanted it to be her, not anyone else, and certainly not Riley. And she did it to protect the others, not herself, because other people are always going to be more important to her than herself, even at the cost of her own happiness. Weird, huh? :-p

10/05/2007 06:50 pm
gah....doesn't get much more heartbreaking than that...but it makes me *hate* buffy...what right does she have even to mourn him after she *knew* where he was, knew he was innocent, and still killed him??? this is a deeply disturbing, emotional fic, love, amazing job with this :)
I like hearing how other people interpret these kinds of situations. In my head (scary place that it is), Buffy and Spike's silent communication was meant to convey his acceptance of his taking the secret to the grave, because he knew she wouldn't want to hurt the others. And I had Buffy kill him because he would have wanted it to be her, and she knew that. Still, I was going for "heartbreaking" (the muse has been in a maudlin mood), so I'm glad I pulled it off. Thanks so much!

10/05/2007 03:21 pm
Oh. My. God.

I can just see it - it *so* could've happened like that. :Shiver:

Plus, love Johnny Cash ... off to find the cover on iTunes. Er, maybe after I read something happier.
Hmm...I hope that was a good "oh my god." Thank you so much for the review, it means a lot that you read my story.

Not sure if the DMB cover will be on iTunes or not. If I had any computer skill at all, I'd try to find and send you a link, but alas...

10/05/2007 12:43 pm
Maximum depression.
Yeah...kinda. Sorry. I've been in a makes-me-cry kinda mood, lately.

10/05/2007 07:21 am
Oh, wow. So very very haunting. Truely tragic, now I have an ache.
Sorry to have caused you an ache! I go where the muse takes me, whether it makes me sad or not. Thanks for your comments!