Awake In the Duties of Our Callings by bernadette
Chapter: No More Winnebagos

10/25/2007 08:15 am
xander should be thrilled. good chapter, thank you.
i dunno if thrilled is exactly the right word... but thanks!

10/23/2007 12:35 am
definitely an interesting fic. Can't wait to read the next
thanks! more's on the way.

10/23/2007 12:24 am
Oh road trip of sorts and a slow boat to Africa. Love the backstory on the Sunnydale group. Will enjoy your take on Xander and Buffy (as well as Giles...Spike is right, respect is not the same thing as affection OR acceptance).

Really well crafted tale.

again with the warm-and-giddy bubblesomely embarrassing reaction to compliments. cheers!

10/22/2007 06:55 pm
Very good start. looking forward to more . :)
thanks! more's a-coming.

10/22/2007 05:38 pm
Hmm? Not human, not vamp, has a slow heartbeat, needs real food, what the hell is Angel, some kind of male slayer???

OK. I get not going to Giles, but why Xander??? He's on the other side of the world and has never been known for his love of Angel or Spike???

So, it isn't Buffy in Rome? Good! Does anyone besides Andrew know that Spike isn't dead??? Like maybe Giles, who might not want Buffy to know???

More soon, Please!!! :D
i need an emoticon for that little finger-tapping evil villain gesture of glee. hopefully, all will come clear...
and more is on the way.

10/22/2007 12:23 pm
This was really good. I'll certainly be looking forward to the rest. :)
thanks! it's on its way.