Awake In the Duties of Our Callings by bernadette
Chapter: Interlude

10/25/2007 08:18 am
"Solace" love it. thanks for the fun read.
wow, three reviews in one go. cheers!

10/24/2007 02:01 am
Great story; can't wait for more; I love Illyria, and always thought Willow and Spike had great interaction; update again soon!!!
thanks! more's on the way

10/23/2007 11:56 pm
Nice Illyria voice there, very spot on.

For some reason, perhaps it was the "connection" I saw between Fred and Willow and partly because I despise Kennedy, I would love Willow and Illyria to get together.

So Spike is sleeping with Illyria? Well I can't see him turning her down if she insisted *G*.

Lovely update.
i don't really see the illyria/willow sparkage; fred struck me as pretty thoroughly het, and i'd imagine that she'd influence any... choices made later. kennedy's already gone, though, if it makes you feel better. *grins*