Awake In the Duties of Our Callings by bernadette
Chapter: That's Not The Issue

10/29/2007 03:55 pm
Should be interesting to see how Xander reacts to his visitors.

Nice battle. Yes, Willow is fighty girl not just research and withcraft girl and I think she knows that now.

i'm hoping so. and thanks for the review.

10/29/2007 03:04 am
I'm enjoying Willow immensely in your fic, but gotta say Spike has me baffled. He learns that Buffy is not sleeping with or even in the same country as the Immortal and decides to respond by having lots of sex with Illyria?? Yep, baffled...(and, as a devoted Spuffy gal, maybe a little disappointed in him)... Looking forward to where you take this story.
i'm... hoping... that it will all seem (emotionally) rational in the end. though there aren't any guarantees. just continue yelling if it doesn't make sense. :)

10/28/2007 11:41 pm
Interesting stuff so far. Very much enjoying this original take.
thanks. originality is my bane, i'm afraid - it's all been done!

10/28/2007 11:11 pm
Bad ass chapter, glad for the update. Even though I'm a major Spuffy fan, I have a soft spot for Spike/Fred, and Spillyria so I'm loving this fic.
cheers. though i'm afraid that that particular stage of their lust-bunny lives is over...

if you have any opinions on who illyria should eventually hook up with, i'm game.