Future Sins Past by DreamsofSpike
Chapter: Strange Encounters

11/04/2007 05:34 pm
wonderful update - really love this story - nice having Jenny as one of the characters, I wish more writers would use her and Giles working together and being in a relationship. Like how you have treated Buffy in contrast to her future, makes a very interesting and different way to dealing with "Bitchy Buffy" hope that you will explore some of the emotional trauma she suffered over the future Angel/Angelus. Would love to see how you develop the theme of ensouled Angel being very much like Angelus.
thanx so much, love, so glad you're enjoying the story....and i like putting jenny in it, she was so underused both in the show and in fanfic, in my opinion :P

10/31/2007 05:18 am
red's arrogance will help fuel her downfall. good read, thank you.
yeppers :P thanx, love :)

10/30/2007 02:33 pm
Can't a bloke go out for a walk? Bitch...And I wonder what happened to Giles? Will we see Xander? Can't wait :D
hehehehe....funny reference, love, and so glad you enjoyed the fic :)

10/30/2007 12:29 am
Great Willow -- seriously creepy!
thanx :)

Miss. Onyx
10/29/2007 09:33 pm
This is a perfect update so close to Halloween! Very frightening. I can almost see the spooky mansion Willow lives in, and hear (or rather not hear) the deadly silence of the city. Brilliant
thanx so much, love, so glad you enjoyed it :)

10/29/2007 05:01 pm
Oh dear I am realy worried about Spike (both in this reality and in the actual one). Willow was always terrifying as a vampire but to have her magical ability also at an all time high makes her so much worse than even Angelus was.

Glad Jenny was not put off with Buffy's tale.

Glad Buffy doesn't want to cause Spike any pain here or in the real world before Willow changed it.

yep, angelus made a huge mistake in turning willow...thanx so much for your kind words, love :P

10/29/2007 04:54 pm
huh. Might be interesting if Buffy could bring some information about the magic/technology stuff Jenny is working on back with her. Might be useful.
Cool that Jenny knew something was going on and thus believed Buffy.
So glad to see an update.
yeah, could be very cool :) thanx so much, love :)

Mr. Chaos
10/29/2007 01:19 pm
I knew you would go back to making Spike the weak victim.

Somehow...I just knew it.

hmmm....hasn't happened yet, though, has it? i do have certain things that are pretty much without fail gonna be in my stories, but they're not *that* predictable :P

10/29/2007 05:17 am
Ohhhhhh pooooor Spike *hisses at Willow* No touchy my Spikey
dont worry, she wont hurt him too bad :P