Awake In the Duties of Our Callings by bernadette
Chapter: Within the Constraints of the Dance

11/06/2007 01:26 am
I like the development you have going on for Xander. Its pretty nice, as well as his acceptance of Spike.
i'm thinking i already mentioned this to you, but oh, well. xander has always seemed to me to be one of the least evolved characters, until *bam* in the seventh season, he's suddenly the "one who sees." but he'd always been ueber-judgmental, so that really just didn't fly for me. so i'm embracing my own options of character development *grins*

plus, i always thought that he and spike should get on, if for nothing else than their love of inappropriate women, of snark, and their mutual disdain for angel.

11/03/2007 12:47 am
I am really, really enjoying the friendship developing between Xander, Spike and Willow. By the time Buffy shows up in the story her friends will all be on board. This is a joy to read...makes me love the Scoobies again by showing they DID grow and change. Thanks.

yay! stagnation of social groups is evil and should be reviled. spike is lovely and should be adored. these are the lessons and i am the teacher...

and totally full of it. but that's okay. i'm glad you're still likin' the story. i've had a couple of complainy e-mails where folks bowed out because there wasn't enough romance yet on the table (or because spillyria made them wretch, but who's pointing fingers?), so assurances that i've got some followers makes me extra giddy.

11/02/2007 11:43 pm
very good read, thank you. glad i was beginning to like you xander or this wouldn't have been so enjoyable. good job.
thanks. the fight was actually one of the first scenes i wrote, so i had to shape the chapter before it to make x a bit more palatable. *grins*