Awake In the Duties of Our Callings by bernadette
Chapter: War Games

05/23/2014 09:33 pm

Very good!   I would truly have liked to read more.    This is one of the better post-NFA stories I have read so far, and want to read more.    I hope you will come back to it one day soon.   

Thank you for sharing your talent with the rest of us.  

03/11/2009 12:04 am
So?? Will Buffy and Spike get to meet? I gotta admit, I'm loving Xander in this story - you make him come alive for me!

12/07/2007 12:14 am
I really like the interaction between spike, willow and xander. so glad they can get along. thanks for the update.
yeah, i was pretty glad, too. thanks for the review!

11/29/2007 06:28 am
very good read, thank you.
glad to hear it

11/23/2007 02:27 pm
That was wonderful. Lately I can barely find a Spike/Buffy story that doesn't contain Willow and Xander bashing, your story shows how good it is to treat characters fairly. I can't buy a story after season seven that has a Xander who hates Spike, especially that it was clear that he's over his Spike hate in season seven.
glad you're liking it! that's always been a major peeve of mine, too - this is mostly just a mechanism for me to get across my ensemble lovin'.

11/19/2007 09:22 pm
another great chapter. great work. love the new improved xander.
cheers. glad you're still liking it.

11/19/2007 06:50 pm
I'm really enjoying this story. Loved your Buffy, but, strangely enough, glad that she isn't directly in the story yet. I like the interaction between your characters, particularly the way you are dealing with Ilyria.
Sorry I'm not reviewing more...bad me. The way Willow and Dawn are excanging power and magic is very cool.
spider demons? Blech! Way to give at least one reader nightmares! :)
I'm rambling. Sorry.
i've always felt that buffy kinda overpowered all of these awesome characters on the show, so i'm giving them some time to percolate. glad you're liking illyria, and there's more on the willow-dawn dynamic.

sorry about the spider demons; at least they're effective? *grins*

hey, any reviews i can score pretty much make my universe a happy place. and rambling's always okay.

11/19/2007 04:50 pm
Plan is afoot! YAY mix of practical and achademic knowledge, just as it should be!

Look forward to any updates you can manage but that pesky RL does matter more (sigh).

Interesting that Spike flinched at the idea of Giles crying....awwwwwwwwww.

I can see Illyria as a General here. Angel does not like being relegated to a "lessor" status does he?

heh, nah, angel's a whiny one.
and while i don't think spike and giles like each other, the respect is (at least somewhat) mutual, so... anyway.

updates are slow-going. i'm senile in my old age.

11/19/2007 09:31 am
Aha, planning!!!!

When is Buffy gonna arrive???
who says she's gonna show?