Slay Bells by Eowyn315
Chapter: We Were Dreamers Not So Long Ago

12/21/2009 11:05 pm
The nerve of the hussy...

12/08/2007 12:56 am
read the other reviews and I would like to add that I would really love to see Spike stay in Sunnydale but mainly for Dawn's behalf and to be a warrior fighting on the side of the Postive Good, be that on the side of the Scoobies or against them if needed. A mature and Spike away from his desparte need for Buffy would be such an interesting character - I should love to see a really good relationship develop between Giles and Spike, two mature, highly intelligent and educated men working together would be wonderful. As much as I am a devoted Buffyholic - a Buffy that goes through some much needed character growth with regards to her perspective of a mature relationship based on acceptance and respect of the other partner would be great.

Now that Buffy has a out for the money help is just one more thing that Spike has to regret - just another thrust against his heart -
Look forward to reading your next update -
Well, Spike will definitely stay in Sunnydale, so you got that part right. The rest of it... I don't know if the "three weeks 'til Christmas" time frame allows for that much maturing. But Spike and Buffy will definitely learn some things about themselves and each other, and they'll be at least one step closer to that maturity.

12/08/2007 12:29 am
Great to see that you have decided to continue your series - Best of Luck with your work, always good to push yourself and keep on working.

Thanks! I appreciate the support. :) I didn't really like the way I handled the overarching plot, but I figured I needed to wrap it up, at least.

12/07/2007 06:59 am
Just figures it would be her. Despite my Spuffy fan nature to be a bit disturbed by the 2 of them with other people I really like how you're writing it. However, I will continue to be optimistic about the eventual outcome of this story. Glad to see updates often!
Yep, it's her. You didn't think we were done with her, just because they abandoned her in the woods, did you? ;) I'm glad you like it, even if I'm disrupting the Spuffy. :)

12/06/2007 10:55 pm
Oh no what are they going to do. Dawn in Mad, Spike is mad and going to use Susan becauseof it and Buffy is using Jacob.
I don't know, I don't think Susan would let herself be used that easily. And I also don't think Buffy is using Jacob - she genuinely likes him.

12/06/2007 09:41 pm
Ohh please just tell me you're not one of those who wont let Spike shag anyone who's not Buffy. Not that I want to, you know, ruin the spuffy, just that he really really needs to be focusing in someone else for a while.
Nope, not one of those people. I wouldn't tempt him like that if he wasn't allowed to have some fun. :)

12/06/2007 02:53 pm
Wow isn't this both lovely and painful? Yikes!And just adding to the chorus here but...poor Spike.

So about Jacob, yep evil. About Susan, kinda skanky move that one. Any self-preserving girl knows you don't move in on a mess like that. (even if he is that hot) I mean hello disaster much?
Oh, I think Susan knows exactly what she's doing. :) She's a smart reporter, and she can read people very well. Thanks for the review!

12/06/2007 11:04 am
Once again, great stuff! Want to slap Buffy for flaunting Jacob in front of Spike...but maybe he's gonna do some of his own flaunting back. Update soon!
Thanks! I'm glad you liked it. :)

12/06/2007 10:52 am
I knew it, I just knew it! That Susan Rodriguez was just waiting for the right moment.

On the other hand, Buffy's an idiot, so why Susan can't have Spike? Still, something tells me that Buffy is like this dog with a bone - she won't have it herself, but she won't let anyone near it, too. Spike. Her bone. Susan, better drop it.

And Jacob? Oh, he's so sweet. And nice. And really good to Buffy...

I bet he's evil.

12/06/2007 10:50 am
I knew it, I just knew it! That Susan Rodriguez was just waiting for the right moment.

On the other hand, Buffy's an idiot, so why Susan can't have Spike? Still, something tells me that Buffy is like this dog with a bone - she won't have it herself, but she won't let anyone near it, too. Spike. Her bone. Susan, better drop it.

And Jacob? Oh, he's so sweet. And nice. And really good to Buffy...

I bet he's evil.
Yep, sounds like you know Buffy pretty well. :) Wonder if Spike will have something to say about things if Buffy gets possessive. And yeah, everybody thinks Jacob is evil. :-P

12/06/2007 06:28 am
So, in your unverse is Susan fighting off the blood cravings or is this before she met Harry?
Susan is fully human. In fact, prior to meeting Buffy, she had no experience with vampires or demons. In Other Things, she had to ask Spike if the legends about vampires were true.

I don't really think of it as being a crossover or part of the Dresden universe, I'm just borrowing the character and using her for my own purposes. But if you want to imagine that after this, Susan moved to Chicago and met Harry, I guess you could.

12/06/2007 05:12 am
Why am I nervous about Susan coming on to Spike.

You know....Buffy realizes that Spike truly does love her. I think she should see how hurtful she is being to him by drawing him close only to reject him beyond a point. If she really will not consider letting herself care for him she should suggest he leave town for his own emotional sake. To accept him and his devotion but demand it only be as "best friends" is to ignore the pain inflicted on him. It is painful just to read! *G* I can so feel his hurt.

Jacob seems just fine but I am hoping he turns out to be another big mistake on her part.

I don't know... do you think Spike would really leave? He's stayed through everything else, I think he'd rather suffer through it than not see her at all.

12/06/2007 04:17 am
So ticked at Buffy. There are no words for how grr I am at her for the way she's treating Spike.
She does seem to inspire that response.

12/06/2007 04:13 am
I'm one of the ones that hopes Jacob is evil. I also want something to happen or nearly happen to Dawn because of it and Spike being all protective of Dawn and not letting Buffy near her because he blames Buffy for it.
Well... maybe *you* should write that story.

12/06/2007 03:39 am
Right, Susan....go for it, Spike, if you can stomach being with another girl. Bet he can't go through with sleeping with her unless he's really drunk. :(

Love Dawn for being loyal. I hope she doesn't make it easy on Jacob, considering Buffy's taste in men.

And wow, she doesn't even need Spike's money now..Council came through. He really doesn't seem to be needed at all anymore...*hugs the vampire* Well, except by Dawn.
Oh, I think Dawn will do her teenage duty and make things difficult. :) And yeah, with a Council paycheck, Buffy doesn't need Spike. So, I guess if they're going to get together, it'll have to be because she *wants* to, not because she needs something from him.

12/06/2007 03:37 am
Oh crap; typical man, thinking with the protruding parts of his body!!! Not that I blame him, of course; poor Spikey! And what the hell is Buffy thinking about normal guy?? I think we've already deja'd this vu! Excellent chappie; please update again soon; can't wait to read more!
The difference between Buffy wanting a normal guy now and before is that before, she thought a normal guy could actually make her normal. Now she knows that's not true, but after all she's been through, she wants to pretend.