Going Forth By Day by weyrwolfen
Chapter: Chapter 13

02/09/2008 05:53 am
very good chapter, thank you. you have us trying to make spike's choice before he does. bet any guesses will wrong.

01/06/2008 06:05 pm
Decisions, decisions.

01/02/2008 03:38 am
Ok now I am confused, if I read on I hope to be fine

12/28/2007 08:40 am
hmmm...interesting deal there...too bad it cant be buffy, but this should play out well...very intrigued by this particular twist and excited to see where it goes from here...great chapter :)

12/27/2007 11:17 pm
I hope he resurrects Joyce; if Spike will dust when the Ammut situation is resolved, then Dawn will be alone, unless he resurrects Joyce; since he can't resurrect Buffy, and I doubt he'd choose himself over Joyce (or his own mother)...Awesome chapter; can't wait for more. OH look, more chapters!!! LOL!