Live Things by ya_lublyu_tebya
Chapter: A Bit Of Rough & Tumble

01/18/2008 08:59 am
she has to do something about that willpower. fun read, thank you.

01/06/2008 09:49 pm
Phew that was hot!

01/05/2008 06:40 am
I always love a good Buffy and Spike sparring scene. Love the awkwardness and blushing! And the Finns are moving to Sunnydale? Nice twist! Glad Buffy is still on her new path but hope she realizes her "relationship" with Spike was about more than she's allowed herself to admit soon!

01/05/2008 12:25 am
ARGH! You are a cruel, cruel woman!!! To leave it there; to go SOOOOO close, and then back away! You tease! LOL! Really great chapter; I know I've said it before, but I really like how you're dealing with S6; no magical potions, memory spells, or anything like that, just Buffy realizing that she's acting badly, and making attempts to improve it. Please update again soon!

01/04/2008 05:50 pm
Good thing the Finn duo didn't see the sparring (or most of the Scoobies for that matter)....that little chip not recogizing Buffy might not sit well under those circumstances.

YAY Anya and the straightforward comment. SO true!


01/04/2008 02:39 pm
darn you Annya!