Live Things by ya_lublyu_tebya
Chapter: Intimacy

01/18/2008 09:28 am

01/10/2008 09:27 am
Yay! I suddenly wish to give Riley a big hug for forcing Buffy to face the truth! I love the fluff, and I think it was long overdue for this pair. The simplicity of it is absolutely perfect for a budding relationship between them. More please!
I'm sure he'd love that, after her got his ass kicked! :-)

01/10/2008 12:03 am
Ahhhhh; perfect; wonderful scene; taking things slow and steady, really learning about each other. *sigh*; Beautiful.

01/09/2008 06:47 pm
PERFECT and how it should have gone. Love your Buffy actually sussing things out even without the trombones.

Lovely...can just picture Xander and Willow though *G*. Hey with Spike in the picture maybe Warren wouldn't have killed Tara either...just a thought.

Trombones might have ben fun. BUt this is a slightly more sensible Buffy! :-) Glad you like.

01/09/2008 06:34 pm
i just read all 1 chapters amd i just loved the fic!!! i cant wait for you to update!!!
Glad to hear it. Will be updating again soon!

01/09/2008 02:53 pm
so tender and sweet...I didn't want it to end! Anxiously awaiting more!
Sorry it had to end. There may well be more fluff on the way...

01/09/2008 01:47 pm
he he he he he finally! She got her head out of her ummmmm the sand ......... LOL Great chapter!