Tempus de Muto by Schehrezade
Chapter: Chapter 11

09/09/2006 04:11 am
OMG! she turned her back into the Key! Crap! she's so out of control, how are they going to get her back! Poor Buffy and Spike. This is awesome, fantastic fic, thanks.
Eeps Dawn got magicked! I am wicked aren't I!

Poor Spike and Buffy they really will be suffering...

Thank you for all the marvellous support and awesome reviews!

09/06/2006 07:31 am
oh no....what did she do?? this willow is darker and scarier even than in the show...how can they stop her? on to more :)
Hmmm can they stop her *g* I started writing this fic basically cos I got into a long chat with someone over how the whole Willow turning evil and suddenly becoming good never sat well with my Wiccan idealogy and hence this swirling descent into darkness for Willow the magic abuser err I mean user *g*

09/06/2006 04:56 am
amy has been a rat for a long time, otherwise she would know it was unnecessary to say "You're saying it wrong, it won't work!" great read thank you.
Thank you am glad you are enjoying the humongous chapters! Bless Amy she really is a mess and does get into some serious pickles in this fic!