Future Sins Past by DreamsofSpike
Chapter: Welcome Home

01/30/2008 07:49 am
NOOOO!!!  How could you stop there?!  I'm dying here!  I wanna see Willow thwarted.

Oh, and poor Xander...I really want him to stick around.  He's been through so much.

01/30/2008 06:13 am
very good read, thank you. xander is just as dense as a vampire. he makes harmony look bright.

01/28/2008 11:45 am
thanks for the update.

01/28/2008 06:25 am
Yup, Xander's affection for Buffy is definitely a liability! He's far too happy to see her and had clearly irritated Willow with his concern for her. Love that Spike can still stir up trouble in the midst of being tortured!

01/28/2008 03:23 am
Oh Boy - don't see how Buffy can save the day this time.

01/27/2008 09:14 pm
Oh dear...Buffy best get a clue quickly or Willow will pull this off! The best thing going for our intrepid duo now is Xander still having affection for Buffy. Giles and Jenny best hurry!


01/27/2008 05:16 pm
Great Update - thanks ever I look forward to each new chapter - I really love what you are doing and your twist on the en-souled vampire and Dark Willow theme.

This little greedy reader wishes that you would give us another update very soon.

01/27/2008 05:15 pm
Interesting that Xander seems nowhere near as evil as Willow.

01/27/2008 03:46 pm
I love how you show vampires in this fic, not just Angel and the part about a soul not making you good. Xander is a great example of an evil demon that still is Xander, which I know is difficult to do. Great job!

01/27/2008 03:46 pm
Curses! Foiled by Xander?! What was Buffy thinking?