Connection by ya_lublyu_tebya
Chapter: One Step Forwards, Two Steps Back

02/11/2008 10:16 am

My greatest disappointment in the show is Buffy's callous disregard for Spike's emotions and her denial and disdain.  Really reliving it with this chapter.  Makes me want to slap her. 

02/11/2008 09:39 am
I´m sorry, but this was a very unlogical reaction. There is no reason for Buffy to react this way and to be so cruel with Spike. I mean, in season six, yes, because they ended having sex after fighting and telling eachother hurtful things, so I could understand she would go in denial, but here? Spike has been nice, saved her, she nows his thoughts, she knows about William the poet, and she uses that to be hurtful to him,? that was low, and even though you write that she is lying I really can´t understand why she does it.... I really can´t , so I hope you have an explanation for it, because I really liked you story and this chapter just ruined that a little....
She doesn't really mean the mean things she says, I promise- that's why she feels sick afterwards. This is just her acting out and trying to push Spike away because she thinks it's best. She's very very afraid of being in love with another vampire so right now, she's going to be denying that until she's forced to face it. I hope the next few chapters fix your liking for my story.

02/11/2008 07:50 am
Ouch!  Those two have always been able to hurt each other like no one else.

02/11/2008 03:48 am
Well that just about killed me!  It was no surprise that she went to Riley.  It was the easiest way to keep up appearances and hide her real feelings from everyone, including Spike.  How she expects to be a girlfriend to him and not be physically ill, I have no idea!  What I wasn't expecting was for Buffy to be so cruel when confronted by Spike.  After that explosion, I know things are only going to get worse, and this self-denial is only going to hurt both of them but hopefully not beyond repair.
Definitely not beyond repair. There's going to be some acting out, some pettiness...but it'll work itself out, I promise. I'm so glad some people can see reason behind this madness and haven't abandoned me! Thanks for reading.

02/11/2008 02:00 am
okay, i'm finding it too hard to like this buffy, i don't know why she would treat spike like that.  there's no reason for it, she's acting too much like season 6 buffy.  sorry, but i think i will be giving up on this story, i'll just keep reading your other one, i like it much better.
Sorry to hear that but I'm glad I haven't put you off my writing as a whole. My explanation for Buffy's behaviour is that she's scared and is acting out (over-reacting, if you will). Remember, this is a season 5 Buffy who is not prone to the liking of vampires, especially Spike. But anyhoo, The Thin Line is fairly angst free so I hope that makes up for this! :-D

02/11/2008 01:05 am
Oh my goodness, the title said it all!  Poor Spike!

02/10/2008 10:56 pm
My gosh that was a difficult scene to read! Poor Spike, doesn't she realize what she's doing to him? Great writing on her thoughts and reactions to the whole thing, and how she thinks she's doing whatever she's doing for both of them. I wonder how far Spike's feelings go at this point?
Can't wait for the next update! I'm so excited to see what Spike might do in retaliation. I don't understand why Buffy can't just admit she felt something, especially when she was so sweet while knowing he was awake when she left. If she thinks she can hurt him enough that he'll stay away she really doesn't know him. It's going to be painful for both of them and you're showing it very well.
Hehe, you've hit the nail on the head! Buffy was nasty to try and drive him away (but since when has that ever worked with Spike??!! He will retaliate.) And yes, she thinks she's doing the best for both of them- remember, no L words have been exchanged and she doesn't know how Spike feels. So, yep, some pain for both of them to come... Thanks for reading and I'm so glad you haven't been put off!

02/10/2008 10:41 pm
Oh, dear.  Things are not looking good.  Looking forward to seeing what happens.  Also wondering if there's any trace of the claim left.   

02/10/2008 10:02 pm
Move on, fine, but did Buffy have to be so vicious?  I hope she gets a good dose of her own medicine.  You really hit the button with this chapter!
Is that a good thing? :-) Of course Spike's going to react- this is Spike we're talking about. Plus, this is a Spike who's not necessarily in love with Buffy (or as in love with her as he was in the show in season 5). And the viciousness- Buffy's defence mechanism going into overdrive! Thanks for reading!

02/10/2008 09:03 pm
FIX IT!!!!!!!!! oh sheesh!  FIX IT FIX IT!!!!!!!

Your killin me here!